How to obtain second CNAME Record for custom domain from Blogger ?

Do you want to know how to get second CNAME record from Blogger to link your custom domain to blog of Blogger? Here is the complete and easy step by step procedure is given on obtaining unique CNAME record for custom domain.

Blogger has recently undergone a major domain maintenance which caused tremors among the Bloggers who wanted to link their custom domains to their Blogger blogs for free. During this one week maintenance period, a message was being displayed by Blogger saying that Domain switching is disabled due to domain maintenance.

So as soon as Blogger finished its maintenance, many bloggers and webmasters tried to associate custom domain in old method but they Blogger reluctantly displayed an error message saying - We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 12. Please follow the settings instructions.

As many of the expert webmasters and bloggers have followed the old domain setup procedure in the past, they ignored the last part of the message and never turned up to visit "Setting instructions". So solution to We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain is there in the Settings instructions.

Get unique CNAME of Blogger blog

Blogger has changed the custom domain settings slightly and has introduced adding up of two CNAME Records instead of a single standard CNAME Record which we used to add in the past. So let us see the procedure to obtain second CNAME Record which is unique for each blog of Blogger.

  • In order to obtain the second CNAME Record from Blogger, first add settings of custom domain linking to Blogger's blog and log in to the website.

    Login page of blogger

  • Go to the dash board of the blog to which you want to add custom domain purchased from other domain selling websites.

    Dashboard of blogger

  • Click on Settings option available in the left side of Blogger dashboard. By default you will land into Basic settings.

    Settings page of blogger blog

  • Here look for Blog Address where your current blog address is displayed. And under your Blog address, you will see " + Add custom domain " link.

    Settings page of blogger blog

  • Click on " + Add custom domain " link to add the custom domain. As soon as you clicked this link, Advanced Settings will be displayed. Here enter your domain name which you have bought from other website. Click on Save button to proceed. An error will be displayed which will ask you to see "Settings instructions".

    We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain error

  • So click on this link to obtain second CNAME Record.

  • A warning box will appear asking you to "Leave this page" or "Stay on this page". Click on Leave this page button to go to Blogger official help forum.

    We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain error

  • Here click on the checkbox in front of " On a top level domain ". Immediately, Blogger will display the updated settings information where you can look for the unique second CNAME Record for your blog.

    Official google blogger help page

  • After having second CNAME Record of your blog, you need to proceed with enabling custom domain linking to blog of Blogger to finish the complete setup.

  • Comments

    Guest Author: Ted Johnson25 Nov 2012

    This does not work with 1& They don't accept the long code as given--I get a "too many characters" error.

    I'm stick. My customer's been down 36 hours.

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