How to host custom domain from Bigrock on blogger and redirect domain to www URL

Read this article for step by step guide with images to successfully host your Bigrock registered domain on blogger host. Also find the way to redirect your without www domain address to www URL in the Bigrock setup

The steps to host your domain on blogger are very simple, the little problem I faced was redirecting my domain address without www to domain address with www. Anyhow, I have prepared a complete tutorial to help you successfully host your BigRock registered domain on blogger/google host.

Steps to host custom domain registered at BigRock on blogger

  1. First of all you need to buy a domain name. As this article is about hosting BigRock registered domain you should buy a domain from there too. You can also transfer a domain bought from other registrars.

  2. When you have a custom domain name, you should proceed to and sign in to your account.

  3. Click on your domain you want to host on Blogger.

  4. 1
  5. Click on DNS Management or scroll down to it.

  6. 2
  7. Click on Manage DNS

  8. Now go to CNAME Records and click on Add CNAME records. Enter the fields:
    1.Name- Just enter www
    2.Value: In the second option add
    3. TTL: Do not change anything here.
    And now click Add Record.
    You can also refer the images for more clarity.

    Similarly add another entry which is showing in your blogger domain. This is a unique entry which helps Google to confirm your ownership of the domain address.
    TTL: Do not change any value here.

    Now the steps I will be mentioning are for redirecting the domain without www ( to non-naked domain ( If you don't follow this step then if anybody opens you blog without typing www in it, Google will show an error page. But in case you have some reasons for not doing this then you can skip to the steps mentioned after this list.
    1. Go to A Records.

    2. 5
    3. Click Add A Record.

    4. Here you just have to fill one field and that is of Destination IPV4 Address. Here you need to enter the IP Leave the other fields blank and click on Add Record.

    5. You have to create three more A Records with the IP, and

    This completes you work required at the BigRock site. Now you need to do just a few simple steps at Do note that for this step you first need to have a subdomain at Blogger which you will redirect to your custom domain.

    1. Go to your Blogger dashboard, open the Settings option of the blog you want to redirect to your custom domain.

    2. 6
    3. In Publishing area, in Blog Address you have an option for +Add a custom domain. Click on it, then click on Switch to advanced settings where it is asked if you Already own a domain.

    4. How to host blogger custom domain from Bigrock and redirect naked domain
    5. Just mention blog address in the format and not in naked format and click on save.

    6. In the settings menu there is an option Redirect to Tick this checkbox.
    7. Redirect blogger domain

    Now check whether you blog is online or not by typing your blog URL in naked and non-naked form. When I shifted my Custom Domain to blogger, everything happened without any delay and my blog was online without any issue, it should be similar for you.

    In case you face any problem, do mention it in the comments or if you don't want to wait you can contact BigRock support through online chat, they will guide you in realtime.


Guest Author: JOHN15 Aug 2012

Please check the 4th step.
the ip addreses you have written are same with that in 3rd step. Are they Corrent??

Guest Author: JOHN15 Aug 2012

IP adresses in step 4 are same as in step 3.
please recheck.

Guest Author: kishore kumar18 Sep 2012

i have done all the above steps
but when i am typing in address bar its showing 404 error

but when i type in address bar its coming

why its happening?

Author: Ankit18 Sep 2012 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 1

Blogspot is doing some modifications to their redirection system. When you go to blogger settings to redirect your domain you would notice that they are in maintenance mode. That's why even my blog is not being redirected. We will have to wait till blogger team completes the modifications.

Guest Author: Hemanth09 Jul 2013

I have followed all the above steps and am getting and error message as "We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 32." in blogger.
Also, I am not getting an option as mentioned "In the settings menu there is an option Redirect to Tick this checkbox."
Please help me on this.

Guest Author: Danish24 Aug 2014

Very helpful article but when the question arrives that redirect domain name to again blogspot.
Mean redirect to

Author: Ankit24 Aug 2014 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 0

Just click on the "Cross" option in blog address field to revert back to the blogspot address.

Guest Author: Danish24 Aug 2014

Thanks Ankit,
But I want my domain redirecting to my blogspot url.
Even I don't want to delete domain name. Please help me to short out.
Suppose I purchase a domain okk, But the fact is my new domain goes to blogspot.

Guest Author: viktorokiro20 Jun 2019

After reading this post owner of websites can know that how can they use web hosting with domain, Keep giving update so that they can get notification of new updates.

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