Using custom domain name with blogger blog
Learn how to link a newly purchased domain name with blogger blogspot blogs.
Linking the domain name which ends with com,, or any other famous extensions give a good feel to the browsers and increases the trust on the website. But domain hosting is a very costly affair now a days as many domain hosting websites started charging the customers heavily. Blogger, Google's blog service has a unique and useful feature of adding up the domain name you have registered on your name.
First of all we assume that you have purchased a domain name from any of the domain selling websites. Here follow step by step easy instructions to add custom domain to the blog in Blogger.DNS settings for Domain switching
Go to the website where you have purchased the domain.
Login in the website and go to the domain control panel or domain settings.
Look out for Domain Naming Services Management that is DNS Management. Under the DNS management panel, you will find an option called Manage DNS. Manage DNS has the complete domain naming settings which are responsible for the page rendering by the browser.
Here under Manage DNS settings, you will find various files under categories such as A Records, AAAA records, MX Records, CNAME Records ect.
Go to A Records and delete all existing A Records under Manage DNS settings page.
Now click on "Add A Records" to add an A Record which points to Google Blogger server. You are asked to provide three details while adding the A Records viz., Host Name, Destination IPv4 Address and TTL. So don't type anything in Host Name. Enter Destination IPv4 Address as and leave TTL as the default value only. Click on "Add Record" button to add the new A Record.
Follow the above step and add three A Records with IP addresses of, and
After adding the A Records successfully, you need to add CNAME Record to point to Blogger domain hosting server.
So to do this, go to CNAME Records and delete the existing CNAME Records. Click on "Add CNAME Record" button to add new CNAME Record.
In CNAME Record, type Host Name as www. And select the check box of " Type In A Fully Qualified Domain Name " and type in the textbox as keep TTL as default value only. Click on Add Record to add CNAME Record.
That's all you need to do to add the custom domain DNS settings. Log out from the domain website.Enabling custom domain switching in
Go to Login page. Here login using your username and password of blogger account.
After successfully logging in to your Blogger account, go to the dashboard of the blog to which you want your newly purchased domain to point.
In the dashboard of the blog, click on "Settings" to access the basic settings of the page.
Here look for Publishing section. There you can see Blog Address settings. Click on "+ Add a Custom Domain" link to add the newly bought domain to the blog.
Enter fully qualified domain name in Advanced Settings and click on "Save" button to save the changes.
Your custom domain will now start pointing to the blog. Generally this domain linking works instantly but in some cases, it may take up to 24 hours to start the domain pointing.
So here in this article, you have learnt to successfully link own domain to the blogger blog and save lot's of money.
Imp. Update - Blogger has changed the custom domain settings recently and many bloggers are facing an error message. If you are also facing same problem, go through the solution to the error - We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 12. Please follow the settings instructions. and setup the website with new settings.