Online Safety Tips For Teenagers

Online Safety for teenagers is a subject which has not been addressed as much as it should be. Check these online safety tips for teenagers to understand how to be alert to the virtual threats online and what you can do to counter these.

Online Safety for teenagers is a topic which has been causing a lot of concern for parents and grandparents. Most schools today have a Facebook or chat community online and encourage their kids to interact and post questions online. However, they fail to educate the kids on the ethics and threats lurking online.

As a parent it is your duty to take responsibility and ensure that your child is having a safe experience online.

Tip 1: Keep track of their internet activities

It is a thin line between spying and staying informed. As a parent make sure that you are aware where your child hangs out, what are his usernames and passwords. If needed, install a child monitoring software to track all activities.

Tip 2: Notice what your kid does online

Place the computer in a high trafficked area. Don't let your child use the computer in a dark corner of his room. Let it be visible to all. This makes it difficult for them to frequent shady websites, forums and chat rooms.

Tip 3: Never share information online

Tell them to never share your details online. These include their real name, age, sex, likes and dislikes. Head on over to any chat room, forum or Social media website and you will get to notice messages where teenagers mention their likes, dislikes openly. This can be very dangerous and can be easily used by stalkers, child offenders and other people to lure and trap innocent kids.

Tip 4: Pictures can go viral

Ask your teenager to never share their pictures or videos online. Every teenager wants to be accepted and included. I am no teenager, but I have this desire in me as well. Sometimes kids will post their pictures online, and some kids even posts videos or mms clips which can go viral and cause a lot of trouble for them and everyone involved.
There are many cases of such pictures and videos causing mental tensions, reasons of blackmail and suicide. Kids do not understand the impact of their actions. They should be educated that a picture can be misused and misrepresented.

Tip 5: Meeting an Online friend is not OK

Ask your kid to never meet anyone in person ever. This is something your child has to know. Remember do not threaten them else they will rebel. Tell them you are concerned for their safety and how it is very risky to meet someone you meet online in person.

These 5 safety tips for teenagers are just a few tips to get your juices flowing. If you are unable to decide on how to approach your teenage child, then it advisable you take the help of a counselor or you could even approach school authorities. Workshops conducted at school sometimes have more impact than a parent having a one on one discussion with a kid. Every teenager is unique and has unique requirements so handle these areas with care and sensitivity.


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