Lumia 520 for the smarter generation

If you are going for your very first smartphone, Nokia Lumia 520 is the ideal one. The affordable price, the attractive features and the slim model makes it just the way you expect it to be.

Nokia's Lumia series have come along with different Lumia model so far. However, Lumia 520 is an entry-level smartphone, which was initially announced by the makers at the Mobile World Congress, 2013. After its launch, by September 2013 the Lumia 520 became the best selling Windows device across the world. His windows phone had a record selling that year. This Windows device gained maximum sell, even more than any other Windows PC or tablet. After the super success of the Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 525 was released, which was a minor hit in the market throughout the world. This phone is available in different attractive shades which is yet another plus point that this handset gives.
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