Web Hosting Reviews and Articles

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Best green web hosting solutions to host high-traffic website

Selecting an ideal hosting provider can be a challenging task, but it becomes more difficult when you are looking for an environmentally conscious service. Therefore, this article lists some of the best green web hosting solutions to host high-traffic websites.

Quick Guide to VPS Hosting

Are you trying the decide the right hosting type for your website and are weighing in a VPS hosting? Read this article to know what is VPS hosting, when it is suitable for hosting a website and what are the advantages and disadvantages that come with it.

Benefits of Minecraft Server Hosting

Do you love playing Minecraft but are tired of the limited configurations provided by your subscription? Know what benefits you get by hosting your own Minecraft game and how to do it.

Important ASP.NET Core Features

In this article, we discuss the features that have made ASP.NET a high demand language in professional circles. Know the reasons for its large adoption and where it is primarily used.

How Scaling Dedicated Server Improves performance

Read this article to understand how dedicated server hosting can make a big change to the metrics of your website. Know the performance changes that you can observe and the other pros and cons that come along with scaling a dedicated server.

How to block IP addresses on IIS 7.0

Are you a webmaster trying to block certain Ip addresses from abusing your websites? You can block a range of IP addresses from accessing your websites by blocking them on IIS 7.0. Read more to find how to block a range of IP address through IIS.

The Pros And Cons Of Using Cheap Hosting

There are all sorts of hosting available. Starting from very cheap budget-friendly levels to expensive VPS that many good businesses prefer. Know what are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a cheap hosting and make the right choice for your business.

Shared Hosting Vs Managed Server Hosting - Which is a Better Option for You?

Is your business growing and you are wondering whether you need to take the jump to shift your business to a Managed Server hosting as suggested by experts? Read this article to know what advantages and disadvantages a Managed Server Hosting brings to you and if it is really required for your busienss.

How to Choose The Best Web Hosting Service For Your Blog

Read this article to know how to make the right decision when choosing the right hosting providers for your websites. Know what all to consider and how to evaluate different hosting providers for make the right web hosting provider selection.

4 Mistakes to Avoid when Posting a Video on your Blog

With improving internet speeds videos are fast competing with written blogs for viewership. Videos provide a way for fast consumption of content and therefore it is necessary that one takes the right steps to keep your video posting strategy up-to-date. Read on to know what are those steps.

Understanding Unmetered Dedicated Servers

Read this article to know the features of Unmetered dedicated servers. Know the advantages and disadvantages of such servers along with parameters that affect its performance.

Setup Free SSL using Let's Encrypt

SSL Encryption is very important for websites to provide secure communication and safe transactions. In order to enable SSL on your website you need to purchase expensive SSL certificates. The Let's Encrypt Project from Linux foundation is changing this scenario by offering free SSL certificates. In this article, we discuss how to enable free SSL certificate on your website.

Website Optimization with CloudFlare Free CDN

Websites hosted on shared server often face a lot of downtime and security issues. Content delivery networks help reduce the downtime and avoid security attacks on such websites. They also help reduce the comment spam and protect the website from bot traffic. Cloudflare is one such content delivery network that offers security and speed optimization. If you're not sure how cloudflare can help your website then keep reading.

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