Windows 7

In this Category you will find articles related to Windows 7 operating system.

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How to install Windows 7 Professional operating system in your home desktop or laptop

Are you looking for installation guide of Windows 7 Professional operating system. Windows 7 is an operating system created by Microsoft to be installed on computers and laptops. In this article, I have given detailed steps about how to install Windows 7 in your home PC. Read this article to know the details about installation guide of Windows 7 Professional operating system.

How to add Items as options in the 'Send to' menu of Windows 7

We see some options in the 'Send to' menu of the right-click in Windows 7 Operating System. There are some number of options. But, if you hold SHIFT key and move to the same 'Send to' option, more number of options are shown. We can also add more options to this list. This article will help you in doing just that.

Tips and tricks for fixing common issues with Windows 7

This article deals with fixing of common problems associated with Windows 7. It will help my readers find an easy solution to their common problems regarding WIndows 7. So go ahead and enjoy alongwith the best Operating System till date.

How to participate in Windows U Crew Program ?

This resources provides detail information about "what is Windows U Crew program for India and How to participate in Windows U Crew Program ?". The concept of Windows U Crew program has very simple, participant have to explore the benefits of Windows 7 and win exciting prizes. To know more read following article carefully,

How to optimize a computer's performance?

Is your computer system performing slower? The computer's speed issue results not only to hinder your system's performance but also to decrease productivity of your business. It can affect your systems' maintenance budget too. Read this post to find a number of solutions to enhance speed and optimizing performance of your system.

Top 10 Windows Laptops in the market

Till the world is waiting for the Windows 8 to appear in the market, let us see the top 10 windows laptops in the market that are performing well on Windows 7. These are equipped with the latest technology, so we believe these devices to be the best performers for Windows 8 also. These are mid-size with more options than smaller laptops and ideal for the replacement of your desktop models.

BIOS Setting in Windows vista and Windows 7

In this article I am going to discuss all about BIOS or start up settings. Here I have explained, what does start-up repair tool perform in windows 7? what is the use of start-up repair tool in windows vista and windows 7? how start-up repair tool perform action? when does start-up repair fails to recover unbootable system? how can start-up repair tool fail to solve problem in windows 7? how to access start-up tool repair in windows 7?

Update Error 0x80072ee2- Step by step instructions to fix this error

For updation of Windows operating system components in your system, Microsoft has provided Windows Update services with the help of which regular updates are provided to system after a fixed interval of time. When any interruption takes place during communication establishment then Windows Update error 0x80072ee2 occurs in system. In this article, I will explain the causes and fixing solution of Windows Update error 0x80072ee2 in Windows 7 OS.

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