Tips & Tricks for Hardware & Networking

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Best Gadgets to carry on an international trip in 2023

International travel has become quite common and affordable of late. This has made it an obvious choice to go with the right gadgets on your international trips. Are you wondering what you should carry on your next international trip so that you are not missing out on the best possible travel experience? We will find out a few essential and optional gadgets we recommend carrying on your next trip.

How to use MightyText to send text messages from your computer?

Imagine a situation where you are working on your computer and your smartphone is buzzing with notifications and alerts. How about a tool that will stream the notifications from your phone to your computer? This will alleviate the need for picking up the phone intermittently.

Eight easy ways to edit your MP3 tags

This article is about various easy and convenient ways to edit the mp3 tags of your music library. You can edit your mp3 tracks tag, complete the missing information and can organize the tracks the way you want.

Useful tips to customize youtube video watching experience

How to customize YouTube channel? Is it possible to achieve YouTube customization for different functions and features? Please read further to know about different ways for customizing YouTube's look and feel. There are some browser extension apps that allow customizing YouTube as per the requirements of the viewer.

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