Top 3 best data recovery tools for Linux

Are you looking for data recovery tools for Linux based computer systems? Then, you have come to the right place. Here we present to you the 3 best data recovery tools which can be used on your Linux systems to recover all your important data and files.

What is the need for data recovery

Each one of us with a digital storage device has always one fear at the back of our mind – losing data within fraction of seconds. This is not a far-fetched thought actually as there are various reasons which can lead to our important data getting lost, like crashing of hard disk etc.

Moreover, often we ourselves end up deleting the important data unknowingly or willingly and later on realize its importance. This can be truly very painful for any individual. However the users need not worry about that anymore. There are various data recovery tools available in the market today which can recover your important files, photographs, videos, documents etc very easily.

Now, how does the data recovery process works? As far as our system is concerned, it shows that the data has been deleted and the space occupied by it is free now. However it doesn't happen like that. Though our system does show that data is no more, often it is not true.

The data is very much there; it's just that the nodes or links pointing to that data are deleted. The data remains there till some other data is overwritten on it. So there is always a possibility of recovering the lost information of any kind. There are many data recovery tools in the market for different kind of operating systems.

Top 3 best data recovery tools for Linux systems

Linux is a very niche kind of operating system and amongst the robust. The data recovery from Linux based systems is little different from that of Windows and so a user should just not use any data recovery software with Linux. Similarly, it is essential that the users first go through the process of how to use the tool intended for recovery, lest something happens to the data available on your system.

Here we present before you the top 3 best data recovery tools to be used for the Linux based computer systems.

1. Safecopy

Safecopy is a popular as well as simple data recovery tool for Linux which copies data to a new location. It is actually a tool for copying the data off a device which is getting corrupted. Now, here we need to understand how safecopy is different from a simple copy paste command. First of all Safecopy doesn't give in upon knowing that the file is corrupt, whether due to a damaged sector or a bad write operation.

Safecopy offers the user plethora of other options like ability to create a filesystem image from damaged media, recovering data thoroughly and quickly, combining data from partial sources and ability to access unpartitioned areas of storage media. It can be installed, looking for Safecopy in the user's distribution repositories.

Ubuntu can run the command sudo apt-get install safecopy to install the tool. After the installation the users can recover the files from partition X on drive a and then they can write them on a pen drive through the command sudo safecopy /dev/sdaX /media/PENDRIVE_PATH/recovery_image. And then your job will be done.

2. TestDisk

TestDisk is another popular data recovery tool, but with a difference. It doesn't copy the data off a failing device like Safecopy. Instead, it tries to fix some partition-level issues that may be creating trouble with the data.

It performs multitude of functions like recovering lost partitions, making disks bootable again, fixing the partition table, restoring boot sectors, filesystem tables and master boot record, and undelete files from NTFS, FAT, exFAT, and ext2 filesystems etc. There are different commands for carrying out this wide range of functions.

That is why it is recommended to carefully go through the documentation of TestDisk before starting with the tool. However, the user interface of it is very nice and the amazing features of the tool will definitely help people in recovering their data very effectively. This utility can be installed by searching for testdisk in the distribution's repository. The command sudo apt-get install testdisk can also be run by Ubuntu users.

3. PhotoRec

It is not just the documents whose loss troubles us. The loss of photographs and videos can be equally disastrous for the individuals. PhotoRec is a tool specifically for recovering lost photos, videos apart from usual documents. The most prominent feature of this tool is that it completely ignores the file system and looks at the underlying data.

It means that this tool will still work well, even if the device has been damaged or it has been reformatted. PhotoRec makes use of read-only access to recover the data. It means that in no way this tool will overwrite something you have been looking forward to recover.

But for that to happen, the user needs to stop all writing operations immediately once you have decided to recover a file. This tool too offers a lot of options to the users and so it is imperative that the user should acquaint him/her with the documentation before attempting to run this tool for recovery of the data.

For installing this tool, the user will first need to search for either the testdisk or photorec packages in the distribution's repositories. Ubuntu users can also install it using the command sudo apt-get install testdisk.

Read Review of PhotoRec – a reliable digital picture recovery software


Guest Author: Abasu30 Apr 2014

Linux Data Recovery recover easily lost or deleted files, directories and hard drive volumes in your Linux system. Use this software and scan the media for specific file type and perform selective file recovery within minimal time. The software supports ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT file system based volumes. For more information visit

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