Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini features, specifications, prices compared with Samsung Galaxy S3.

Those who want to compare the features, specifications and prices of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and Samsung Galaxy S3 for deciding to buy either of them, this is the right article to go through and make your judgment. This article contains all that enables the buyer to find the pros and cons of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini vs. Samsung Galaxy S3. The buyer can also compare the price and features of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini with some other budget phones in the same range taking a clue from this article.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini features, specifications, prices compared with Samsung Galaxy S3.

Samsung, one of the top manufacturers of Android based smartphones in the world is the Korean company which has now brought out the little brother of its flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 and appropriately named it Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. To justify its name, Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has been packed in small shell so that it is easier and convenient to fit in a pocket and to hold it in the palm of your hand. Samsung has brought out the mini version of Samsung Galaxy S3 to beat competition it is facing in the mid-range smartphones from international and Indian manufacturers of smartphones. Samsung might also be wanting to lure some of its customers who cannot afford to buy Samsung Galaxy S3 to buy Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini which is affordable at smaller budget. Another reason for bringing out Galaxy S3 Mini may be attributed to criticism which the Samsung Galaxy S3 received for its large size in spite of the fact that the Galaxy S3 became the best selling phone in the world. Let us compare and review the features and specifications of the budget smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini with Samsung's hot selling smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 in the high price range.

Operating System of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung's little genie Galaxy S3 Mini runs on Google's latest Android v 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system. It is pertinent to note that Jelly Bean operating system has been installed in mid-range phone perhaps for the first time. The obvious purpose of Samsung doing this might be to beat the competition in the mid-range phones. Samsung has supported the system with the company's home-made Nature UX perhaps to justify its little higher price tag of around Rs.18,000 which is just Rs.10,000 less than its top selling big brother Samsung Galaxy S3. The big version Samsung Galaxy S3 runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). However the good news for Samsung Galaxy S3 owners is that Android v4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS update is available for this smartphone may be with further update to even v4.2. Both the smartphones use Samsung's TouchWiz user interface.

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How are Galaxy S3 Mini and Galaxy S3 smartphones powered?

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini's power has been reduced to half with its modest 1 GHz dual core processor from the powerful Exynos 4 Quad core 1.4 GHz processor of Samsung Galaxy S3. Quite obviously the power has to be compromised with lowered price of Galaxy S3 Mini. The fast and powerful processor of Galaxy S3 makes multi-tasking easy and improves the response time. Both the smartphones have 1 GB RAM. In respect of RAM S3 Mini scores over S3 because of the same memory but a smaller size and less power.

Display features in two smartphones
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has a 4 inch 16M colour super AMOLED capacitive touch screen with WVGA resolution of 800 x 400 pixels. With just 0.8 inch smaller than Galaxy S3 screen, it is debatable whether the name Mini is justified or not. Compared to this mini screen, Samsung Galaxy has a screen size of 4.8 inches. The big difference is mainly in the resolutions of the two phones. The screen resolution of Samsung Galaxy S3 is 1280 x 720 pixels as compared to 800 x 400 pixels resolution of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. It is therefore natural for Samsung Galaxy S3 to give the higher level of details with the pixels packed more tightly, i.e. 306 ppi as compared to 223 ppi of Samsung Galaxy S3 mini. The display in both the phones is supported by Super AMOLED technology.

Size and weight of two phones
As the name mini in Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini indicates, its dimensions are 63x122x9.6 mm as compared to Samsung Galaxy S3's 71x137x8.6 mm. When you have a closer look at the dimensions you find that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is slimmer than its little brother Galaxy S3 Mini. Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is of course less in weight at 112 g against 133 g of Samsung Galaxy S3.

Storage capacity of Galaxy S3 Mini and Galaxy S3
Here comes the main difference between S3 Mini and S3. Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has lower storage capacity of 8GB, 16GB and 32GB compared to 16GB, 32GB and 64GB of Samsung Galaxy S3. Both smartphones offer extension of storage capacity via microSD card slot. However Galaxy S3 Mini can accept a card with half the storage capacity of Galaxy S3.

Comparison of cameras in S3 Mini and S3

The primary camera at the rear in Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has been downgraded to 5 megapixels from 8 megapixels of Samsung Galaxy S3. The camera in Samsung Galaxy Mini can record videos of a lower quality of 720 pixels while its big counterpart Samsung Galaxy S3 has got the capability of recording full HD 1080p quality videos. Similarly, the secondary camera at front in Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has only VGA quality lens as compared to 1.9 MP front facing camera of Samsung Galaxy S3.

Connectivity features of the two smartphones

Both Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and Samsung Galaxy S3 have the same list of connectivity features that include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, near field communications (NFC) and digital living network alliance (DLNA) certification. However, Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is supported by 3G connectivity while Samsung Galaxy S is supported by a 4G connection.

Comparison of battery features of the two smartphones

The battery capacity of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is lower at 5.6 Wh (1500 mAh) as compared to the strong battery capacity of 7.8 Wh (2100 mAh).

Comparison of prices of S3 Mini and S3
One online global retailer Clove quoted the price of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini at £298 when the official price was not even confirmed by Samsung. Converted in Indian rupees this works out to be Rs.24604. Quite obviously this cannot be the correct price of the S3 Mini because the S3 itself is selling at Rs.27400 at some online stores in India. The price of Samsung Galaxy Mini at Amazon's UK website is quoted as £225 which is equivalent to Rs.18713 in Indian rupees. At the price of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is quoted as US $332.94 which is equivalent of Rs.18243 in Indian currency. When I made a Google search of the price of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini in India, I could come across a few online sellers which quoted its price from 17500 onward.

Which one to choose - Galaxy S3 or S3 Mini?

It will be quite apt to state that the buyers who find the Galaxy S3 very large in size and very expensive might opt for Galaxy S3 Mini due to its smaller size and less cost. Of course, the screen is not very much small since the difference between the sizes of the two phones is only 0.8 inches. If you can compromise on some of the downgraded features of Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, you may feel pleased to buy this budget smartphone.


Guest Author: Amit08 Mar 2013

Thanks a lot i had a headache to figure things out .. and this article solved everything for me
Great work done .

Author: Sukhdev Singh08 Mar 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Thanks a lot, Amit for your appreciation of the work.

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