Interview with Likan Patra, a passionate and fun-loving young blogger from Odisha
Likan Patra is a young passionate and fun-loving blogger. His blog, RightyaLeft covers a wide range of areas like Tech News, software talk, jokes, general talk, infographics, online games and much more. Learn from his story of growth and you can also make it a way of living.
We interviewed Likan Patra, a young tech blogger from Odisha. Read the interview to get to know more about him and about his blogging success ingredients.
Could you please give a brief introduction about yourself to our readers?
I am Likan Patra, a tireless blogger from Puri, Odisha. I am a good friend, son and brother.
Can you tell us about your blogs? How long is it since you began blogging? What is the role of your parents in Blogging?
Currently I have 5 Blogs (4 blogs which are currently run by Me and 1 Multi Author Blog). I am 22 years old and am blogging since 2011. My parents had never heard about a blog when I started blogging. They never believed me, when I explained it to them. Now, they are Inspiring me to make a good career in blogging.
Please tell us something about you journey in blogging. Who was your inspiration?
When I was in the 12th standard, I used to love exploring the Internet by searching in Google, play online games and used to be online for 8-9 hours a day on Orkut (Almost Dead now). Then I came to know about free Blogspot and created one in the name of A few days later, I came to know about Soumya Pratihari, a notable blogger. I met him and he really inspired me and taught me many things about blogging.
How do you make your blogs interesting to your readers?
I neither write long posts nor many Posts. This may be the reason why the readers love to read my blog. Actually, I don't care much about SEO, SMO, Google Updates etc. As long as there are some or many unique posts in my blogs, readers love to get connected with it.
What are your blogs about?
I started regular blogging at, a Tech Blog. I started this blog because I love Technology, Websites, Software, Gadgets etc. But later I decided not to write only on technology so I started some other blogs of niches such as education, health, entertainment, Love & Relationship etc.
Which websites help you to be updated with the latest technologies?
Google News, Reader, Indiblogger, Twitter, Facebook and many other web apps help me to stay updated with Technology. Since many of my contents are unique, I don't need any tools to create content.
Do you write articles in other sites?
I don't know why, but I never wrote any article in other blogs as a Guest Post. All my contents are in my blogs only.
What do you do when you are not working?
I love to watch movies, especially animated movies. I also go out with my friends regularly.
What is your daily schedule?
I don't have any schedule. I do whatever and whenever I want. That is the reason I never get tensed. Whenever I get extra time I write blogs. Mostly I work at Night.
Did you have any bad experience from other bloggers?
No(Till date).
In your opinion, what is the future in blogging?
There is a good future in blogging. I will say that blogging was good in the past, is good in the present and there will be a great future in blogging. You can see the growth rate of bloggers in India. Blogging is the only job where you are the owner, admin, manager, author, designer and soul of your Blog. It's not just a child's game.
Are you planning to be a full time blogger?
I haven't decided yet.
Do you use affiliate marketing to earn revenue?
Till now I haven't used Affiliate Marketing. Frankly speaking, I have never thought about it. I am planning to enter into it very soon.
Which are the online social communities you are most active on?
Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest – all with @likanpatra .
What does blogging mean to you?
I am not blogging for money. I am blogging to be more social and to increase my experience. After starting a blog, I have connected with many top personalities which helps my confidence to grow.
Also Read: Guest Blogging for backlinks is dead. What should you do now?
What does your family think about your blogs?
When I started blogging my family never supported me. They thought that I was ruining my career. But, after collecting information from different sources they started supporting me. Currently my mom supports me a lot; my dad is also satisfied with my work.
Have you ever been affected by Panda/Penguin penalties? What is your advice to our readers on the same?
Once I was affected by Google Panda Update. It decreased my traffic to half. But after creating original content regularly, I recovered from all those penalties.
If you have original and real content and post regularly (you should write it for the reader and not for Google), then don't worry about any Google Update or penalties. They will affect your Stats but you will never lose real readers of your blog. Change your thoughts and change your world.
Is it better to create a single niche site or multiple ones?
I was running a single technology site from the beginning. Recently, I have started some other niches. My advice is to start a single niche site and run it for minimum 1 year to get the experience. After that, if you want you can choose other niches.
What is your take on many bloggers sharing insulting information about other prominent bloggers?
The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel. Do not respond to a barking dog. If you stop every time a dog barks, your road will never end.
Microsoft/Google/Apple - Pick your favorite? Give your reasons too
GOOGLE - Now Google has many awesome products such as Google Groups, Bloggers, AdSense, Android, iGoogle, Picasa, Maps, Earth, Desktop, Analytics, Docs, Sketchup, Goggles, Youtube, Talk, Chrome, Panaramio, Feed Burner, Gmail, WebM, Double Click, Voice, Flights, Google TV, Offers, Wallet, Shopping and many more. Most of the products were not created or developed by Google. They have acquired many start-ups. Till date, Google has acquired 122 Companies. The moment Google sees that it is becoming a threat, Google buys it by offering a lucrative price.
Likan Bhai Rocks.