How to prevent AdSense Click Bombing

Are you suddenly getting a lot of clicks on your AdSense Ads and are you suspecting click bombing? Learn how to protect your AdSense account from click bombing and keep your Google AdSense account in good standing to avoid disabling by Google.

Click bombing is one of the biggest nightmares for many AdSense publishers. To maintain the high quality of the AdSense network, Google monitors click activities very closely and take strict action against the publishers who click on their own Ads or encourage others to click. Since Google pays primarily on click basis, many new publishers are tempted to click on the Ads themselves to see few extra dollars in their AdSense account. But Google has very sophisticated systems to track such clicks and if you are caught, your AdSense account will be disabled. I never heard anyone getting their account back once disabled for invalid clicks.

If you look at the popular webmaster forums and Google's official forum for AdSense, numerous publishers have reported that they lost their AdSense account for invalid activity like repeated clicks on their AdSense Ads. Most of them claim that they never clicked on their Ads but it was someone else doing it intentionally with the intention of getting their AdSense disabled (which is popularly referred as "click bombing").

How to prevent with Click Bombing on AdSense account

There are no fool-proof methods to completely stop the fraud clicks. However, you have a few options to reduce the chances and also to avoid any negative impact on your account.

Here are some AdSense tips to deal with click bombing:

Stop talking about your AdSense income: The best option is to avoid chances of click bombing even though you can't completely prevent it. Stop bragging about your AdSense earnings in public forums and social media. Most people don't want to see you making lot of money. Such people will do anything to get your account disabled to stop you talking about your high income. If you are making money from AdSense, just save your money and stop talking about it. That's the best way to keep your AdSense safe from click bombing.

Watch your reports: Always keep an eye on your AdSense reports and monitor the clicks and CTR. If you see any unusual activity like too many clicks in a short period of time, pay close attention to it. Are they keep increasing? Is it happening in short intervals?

If the number of clicks are unusually high and if it continues, it indicates someone is repeatedly clicking on your Ads and most probably his intention is to get your AdSense disabled. It could be one of your competitors or someone could be doing it for no reason.

Read more on high CTR and RPM - risk for AdSense account

There are few things you can do to protect your AdSense account:

Step 1. Remove AdSense Ads temporarily from your account so that there will be no Ads for them to click on.

Step 2: Login to your AdSense account and remove your site from the list of authorized sites to show Ads. It may take up to 24 hours for this action to come in to effect. So after 24 hours of this step, you can put your Ads back on the site but keep your site unauthorized until you are sure the click bombing has completely stopped.

I suggest you use the second option for many reasons. In case of option 1, when you remove the Ads, the person will know you have removed the Ads. He would stop the work but would come back and repeat it when you put the Ads back. In case of step 2, he will never know you have unauthorized Ads in the site since he will continue to see the Ads as usual. He will keep clicking but the clicks are not counted by Google and so your site is safe from getting disabled. The click bombers will eventually get tired and without seeing any results, they would stop trying (hopefully).

Step 3: Let Google know that you have noticed invalid clicks on your account and let Google know the steps you have taken to keep your account in good standing. Also suggest Google to deduct the invalid earnings from your account. I have explained below the steps for reporting this to Google.

Step 4: If you have an account manager at Google, send an email to him/her explaining the situation. They can add notes to your account to avoid any unexpected action from the policy team on your account.

Prepare information to submit to Google

As I mentioned above, you must remove the ads temporarily and un-authorize your site in AdSense so that your clicks will not be counted. Next step is, to gather all possible information about the invalid activity since you will need that to report it to Google.

1. Record the date and time of the invalid activity.

2. Analyze your Google Analytics (or other stats) and look for suspicious traffic. Record the IP address of suspicious visits to various pages which recorded invalid clicks. (If you have created url channels and custom channels, you will be able to figure out which pages received click bombing)

3. See if you can figure out from where the suspicious request came from. I have seen cases some bloggers have posted a public thread in a forum saying "Site X copied my content and not responding to me when I asked them to remove the content. Can you all go and click on his AdSense Ads so that it will get disabled?". Check out if you can trace the origin of the clicks to any such sources.

Once you gather all such information, prepare to report the activity to Google.

How to report click bombing to Google

If you have found that there were lot of invalid clicks, it is a good idea to report it to Google so that Google will know that you are not the culprit. But before you go to Google, make sure you are following all the AdSense program policies and guidelines set Google. You may not want Google to find that you are violating some other AdSense policies when they review your site. When you report invalid activity to Google, there is a chance that Google AdSense team will review your site and check the cause of invalid activity. To be on the safer side, make sure your site comply with all AdSense policies and quality guidelines.

Once you are ready to report click bombing or invalid activity to Google, go to Invalid Clicks Contact Form and provide all the information.

Read more AdSense tips and blogging tips.

Is the AdSense account at risk for click bombing?

It is difficult for Google to identify whether the publisher is doing the fraud clicks to increase the income or someone else is doing it with the intention of harming the publisher. Google uses several signals to find out the cause of invalid clicks. In case of reputed and well established AdSense accounts in good standing, Google will usually ignore the invalid clicks and cancel the invalid earnings. However, in case of new accounts and accounts that having a history of policy violations could be disabled by Google.

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including,, and many more.

Follow Tony John or read 703 articles authored by Tony John

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Guest Author: Sampath12 Mar 2013

Very very useful information.
Thanks Tony sir.
I have lost my adsence once because of this type of invalid clicks.
Hope this steps work out for others atleast.

Guest Author: vaibhav11 Apr 2013

Hie, my adsense got disapproved lately due to reasons i know not they may be due to invalid add clicks which ovcours i did as a matter of fact i was excited for my approval. i heard that adsense pays the most amongst all those out there, so would you please share what next options i should ponder upon?

Guest Author: Aditya Nath Jha16 Apr 2013

Thanx Sir, for the valuable infromation! I would go with option 2 but for me it's too late now , as ad serving disabled on 28th March. What should I do now ?

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