I haven't received the AdSense Pin yet. What to do next?

Are you waiting for the Google AdSense verification PIN which was supposed to reach you already but never came? Learn your options if you don't get the Pin from Google after several attempts.

It is one of the frequent queries I get from my web circle: "I haven't received my AdSense Pin yet. I tried several times and Google says they sent it. It never reached me through post. I have my address and all details correct in the Google AdSense".

It has been a problematic area for Google AdSense to send the Pin and get the AdSense account verified. Google introduced this postal pin verification several years ago to make sure the account owner has provided the correct postal address and is not an anonymous person. However, in the past few years, I have seen numerous complaints from AdSense users that they never received the Pin that Google claims to have sent.

If you take a look at the Google AdSense forums, you will see that a lot of people are raising the same complaint. There is no solid evidence on why many people are not getting the Pin.

When does Google send you a Pin to verify your address

Google will send you a Pin by post only after you reach $10 minimum threshold. So, if your account has not yet reached that amount, don't even worry about the pin.

After you reach the $10 balance, Google will issue you a pin mailer within 1 week. According to Google, it will take another 4-5 weeks to reach you. So, if a pin is just generated for you, don't get panic. It may take about a month to reach you.

Pin never reached, even after 4-5 weeks

Okay, if you don't get the pin after 4-5 weeks, there must be something wrong. Your first troubleshooting option is, make sure you address is correct in your AdSense account. If needed, add landmarks and additional information to the address to make sure the postman/courier people can locate your address. Make sure you have entered the phone number, postal code and landmarks along with your address.

Now, make a request to resend the pin, which can be done using the option you can find in the "Account Settings" section of your AdSense account. Google will allow you to request a new pin 4 weeks after you made your last request.

You can request to resend pin a maximum of 2 times, after the initial issue of pin by Google. Since each request can be done only once in 4 weeks, it may take up to 3 months before you can run out of options to request pin. But don't worry, you have 6 months time to verify your address from the date of issuing the first pin. (If you don't get your AdSense account verified during this 6 months, Google will stop showing Ads from your account)

Also Check Out: AdSense Ads are not displayed in the blog - how to solve?

Verify your address using identity card and other official address proof

Google prefer to verify your address by sending a pin by mail, which is the most reliable way to verify an account. If a postman can reach your address that you used in the AdSense account, that confirms that you have provided a genuine address. However, in the worst scenario of you not receiving any of the 3 pins sent by Google, there are additional options.

If you request the pin 3 times but never received any of them, login to your AdSense account and look at the "Account Settings" section. You will see additional instructions from Google asking you to verify the account using through other channels. The additional options include submitting copy of official identity card to Google.

Here is the PIN troubleshooter form, which can be used to submit an official identification document like passport, drivers license etc to Google to verify your address without a pin. However, if you submit it before you run out of your 3 pin requests, it may not be accepted.

What kind of documents are acceptable for address verification

Google has not published any list of documents that are acceptable as address verification, other than saying 'official documents'. As a general practice, the following documents are acceptable as address proof in USA (where Google employees sit and review your documents)

1. Drivers license (this is the most common way of address verification in USA)

2. Rental agreement

3. House/apartment registration document

4. Passport

The following documents are usually considered secondary/support documents and should be used only if you don't have any of the above documents.

5. Bank statement

6. Election Id (India)

7. Unique Id (Aadhar card in India)

NOTE: The document you attach for address verification should have your name and address, exactly matching the information you have provided in your AdSense account.

Also, it is a good idea to upload more than one document, just to make it easier to convince the reviewer, especially if there is a slight mismatch in address.

Phone verification

Phone verification is available only for AdSense publishers from the following countries:

1. China
2. France
3. Germany
4. Italy
5. Spain
6. UK
7. USA
8. Canada

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tripod.com. Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including IndiaStudyChannel.com, Techulator.com, dotnetspider.com and many more.

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Author: Shah Nawaz16 Jan 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Nice information share with us about the Google Pin verification.

Author: Muhammed Aneez21 Jan 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

This article will really help all Adsense publishers to resolve their problems regarding this case in their Adsense account. In my opinion you should need to write more articles about possibilites and solutions for problems regarding Google Adsense.

Author: Priyabrata Das29 Jan 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Hello sir,

I have only Voter Id card in which the address is slightly changes like my village, local area name, Police station name are given but not mention which is village, P.S. etc. In my adsense dashboard I put all these details. Is it a mismatch or not that google will consider.

Another thing, can you please tell me about the 'Bank statement'? I have a bank a/c, will it be considered for address verification. Reply sir.

Guest Author: Pepa04 Mar 2013

Verification is required via phone and postal address together or just one of them (worldwide, or does it matter where lives account owner)?

Or, if I live in one of the described places (1. China - 8. Canada), I need only verify my phone number?

Thank you for the info

Guest Author: Lawrence Abiodun29 May 2013

I think it should be helpful for me to get out of my mystery about this verification issues.

Guest Author: adsense pin14 Jun 2013

We can help you to verify your account if your PIN code has not been delivered at your given address as yet.

Guest Author: Rajesh19 Mar 2015

Does drivers license work in India?

Guest Author: Ravi12 Sep 2015

My first PIN was issued 6-7 months ago when my Adsense reached the verification threshold, but I did not receive any PIN from Google. Now, I have requested for another PIN. Can I verify my address using ID proof now? or I have to wait for the three PIN requests?

Guest Author: janoolove216 Sep 2015

Yes you can verify it via uploading your ID, but be careful while uploading it.

Author: Tushar Kothari16 Sep 2015 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 2

It was a very helpful article but I have a question.
Google has issued PIN a week after and I forgot to update my residential address.
I updated it today, will Google send the PIN again to my new residential address or not?

Author: Tony John16 Sep 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2


If you had a wrong address, you may not receive the PIN. However, you have maximum up to 3 chances to request for a new PIN.

Guest Author: Amna Asghar04 Mar 2018

Hello. I just got a new account 2 weeks ago but my cpc is not increasing i take 5-10 clicks per day. What should i do? should i increase number of clicks?

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