Comparison between App Store and Google Play
To make our life easier, developers give deeper thoughts in deciding the relevant market for the particular app to be launched. The intrinsic question is important due to the consequent increase in app downloading from various online markets. In this article we would concentrate on – Google Play and App Store.
Increase in the smartphone users has opened vast online app market. Getting bored, engage yourself with an app. Got lost in the street, your smartphone becomes the best guide to reach the destined place. Apps are becoming essential needs of our life. There are free and paid apps available in various online stores such as Amazon Appstore, Windows Store, App Store (iOS), Google Play and many more. The increasing number of useful apps in the various platforms makes our life simple and comfortable.
App store is known as king of apps market place. In this marketplace, a tough competitor enters popularly known as Google Play. App store is basically for the iOS platform maintained by Apple Inc. Apps are downloaded from iTunes store. Google Play is mainly for Android phones. Google Play is already installed in Android phones these days. Comparisons
Apple is strict in releasing any app in App Store. The developers submit their application for the screening test. Once the screening test is cleared, app is listed in iTunes. Thus App store builds its reputation of better apps in store for its Apple's family members. In contrary to it, Google Play is an open source market where developers can directly submit their app both - free and paid applications. Thus consumers have variety of apps to choose from Google Play. This allows developers to test their apps popularity without any initially screening. But the users may get affected of the malicious codes and wasting time in downloading unworthy apps.
App Store search is an awesome experience. There are very less chances of any duplicate or exact features of any different app available in App Store, thus it avoids duplication of similar apps in App Store. In Google Play, if we search any game say Angry Birds, all the unwanted items are shown such as ring tones, wall paper, instead of the real game. Need to search a lot to get right app in Android.
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Approval process in App Store actually allows filtering of apps so that users get worthy and trusted apps. Using an app in app devices is just memorable and gives an excellent feel of its utility. Comparing to Google Play, several commendable apps are available and at the same time there are lot of defective apps. Best part of Android is that developer can easily update the apps unlike App Store, where it takes a delay in apps updates due to regulated approval process. More downloads also led to more uninstall of apps in the Android market compared to App Store.
Google Play is really good at payouts charging an onetime fee of $25.In Google Play, paid apps are refundable, if a user uninstall an paid app within 15 minutes of downloading, if it is defective, not available or doesn't meet specifications. This is possible by clicking the problem link in Google Play for that particular app. Such facility is not available in App Store. Approval fee in App Store for each app is $99. For each app listed, Apple takes away 30% of the sale price and pays the remaining amount the developer on monthly basis.
The battle between Apple and Google play depends upon who has the best online content store. In the long run, users will demand smooth interface, easy sync of music, games, apps and addition of valuable utilities in store. As the time passes, the exclusive contents in each market would influence the buying decision of devices that would ultimately determine the success of the online app stores. Let's wait and watch, who wins in the long run - Google Play or App Store in terms of revenue, market share and popularity.