What is SiO and SiO+ battery

SiO and SiO+ are used in modern smartphones like LG Optimus Vu and many others. these batteries are enhanced version of the Li-Ion batteries. Read further to learn detailed information about these type of batteries.

Some of the modern devices like LG Optimus Vu smartphones come with advanced SiO+ batteries. Let us take a look at what is an Sio+ battery.

SiO and SiO+ based batteries are nothing but an enhanced version of the Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries. SiO batteries use Silicon based material as the anode in the battery (SiO stands for Silicon Oxide). The Silicon based anode brings better battery performance in to the traditional Li-Ion batteries.

Most of the traditional Li-Ion batteries use graphite as the anode. Many researches has been conducted by various universities and research firms to find alternatives for graphite based anodes in the Lithium-Ion batteries. Some of the recent researches have found that Silicon based anodes can significantly improve the storage capacity of the Li-Ion battery. Among many Silicon based anodes, the SiO based anodes were found to be most efficient, providing great electrical storage capacity without increasing the size of the battery.

SiO battery as an industry standard

SiO batteries are still being researched and has not been widely adopted yet. Some manufacturers like LG has started using it in their smartphones. According to a recent claim by LG, they were able to achieve 6% improvement in battery capacity by using SiO+ based batteries in their mobile phones.

Future of SiO based batteries
Even though researches have shown that batteries using Silicon and Oxide based components as anodes will slightly improve the battery capacity, it is yet to be seen how it affects the life and long term performance of the battery. Since manufacturers have started using such batteries, we can see how they perform in next few years.


  • http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/81/art%253A10.1007%252Fs10800-009-9854-x.pdf?auth66=1354184095_0a849149b0296fa6f209c6cb8eaddedc&ext=.pdf

  • http://ma.ecsdl.org/content/MA2012-02/10/913.full.pdf+html

  • http://www.intechopen.com/books/nanocomposites-and-polymers-with-analytical-methods/silicon-based-composite-anode-for-lithium-ion-battery

  • http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20100178566#b

  • Article by Tony John
    Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tripod.com. Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including IndiaStudyChannel.com, Techulator.com, dotnetspider.com and many more.

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