Configure your Android phone with Microsoft Exchange 2010
Read this article to know how you can configure your Android device to work with Microsoft Exchange 2010.
Android With Microsoft Exchange 2010 setup
The modern work environment is becoming increasingly dependent on remote and mobile device connectivity. This can be a freeing experience for company employees as it untethered you from your office space. However, it can also be an expectation as workers are expected to be "always on" and ready in the case of a server or application crash for IT workers, or possible business continuity issues or even a last minute international contract negotiation meeting for line of business employees.
Setting up email options on a mobile device can sometimes be problematic and confusing for users, especially if they are not privy to network and messaging technologies. Many sites, such as Yahoo, for instance, limit the kinds of connectivity users can take advantage of from their mobile devices. The lack of a single standard for email connectivity does not help this situation. Luckily, Google Android mobile device users are able to take advantage of Android's remarkably open and flexible email connectivity app. With the help of Microsoft's ActiveSync technology user's experience setting up access to their company's Exchange infrastructure has never been easier.
Before starting the instructions below, make sure that you are familiar with your company's security policies around mobile device usage for email, hosted Microsoft CRM and that your Exchange administrator is using the ActiveSync tool in your environment.
1. Have your administrator set up an ActiveSync license and make sure you are email has been assigned.
2. Find the Android email app on your mobile device's Home screen.
3. Enter your Microsoft Exchange email and Exchange password into the first input screen.
4. Choose the Exchange option from the accounts screen (the other account options are POP3 and IMAP).
5. On the Exchange server settings page enter your domain name and full email address beginning with a backslash. Since you are going over your company's Exchange network, make sure you choose the option to connect using the SSL secure connection.
6. The next screen will load your incoming server settings. Once your device connects to the Microsoft Exchange email server choose the OK option to allow the server to remotely control some of your security features and finish setting up the account.
7. On the Account Options screen, you can optionally choose to get notifications when email arrives, sync contacts and sync your Exchange calendar.
8. The last phase lets you choose a personalized account name for this connection. This is handy if you need to set up multiple email addresses such as for private, school or work.