Prevent converting words into URL in Twitter

Here is a trick which anyone can use to prevent the auto conversion of words into shortened hyperlink on twitter. This trick is very simple and one can very easily prevent the auto conversion by using an ASCII code.

How to prevent auto conversion of words into hyperlink

Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networking sites and is famous for its celebrity members. Most of the celebrities, politicians and VIPs use twitter to update about themselves. One of the interesting facts about twitter is that when Osama Bin-laden was killed by the blue seal commandos of US Army, this news was tweeted 7,500 times in just one second by the people all over the world. So, any one can imagine the popularity of this site.

But one of the problems with the twitter which I found is its auto conversion of words into hyperlinks in twitter's twit. That is two words if are separated by period or [dot] then twitter interprets those words to be a hyperlink and automatically convert it to form of links; which is an auto generated short link by twitter. So you may face a problem while giving the right information.

This auto conversion though helps users by converting the domain name into the corresponding hyperlink, Twitter understands the link even if the user doesn't give http:// or www. prefix with the domain name and auto converts it to hyperlink. But this auto conversion may not be desirable always.

So, in order to prevent this kind of auto conversion, there is a trick for you which you can deploy to prevent such auto conversion of words into hyperlinks.
The trick is just use the ASCII code for that period [dot] instead of using the [.] operator in actual.

This ASCII code trick will prevent the twit'd text to convert into a hyperlink code and you will see a plain text [non clickable text] as your twit on

This is how it works.

twitter auto converting links 1

twitter converting into hyperlinks 2

twitter converting into hyperlinks


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