iOS6 Supports Face Time feature over Cellular Connections

Apple recently announced that the upcoming iOS 6 is going to support Face Time over cellular data plans. To know more details about Face Time on cellular connections go through this article. I have also given a comparison of Face Time with Wi-Fi and Cellular Connections.

We all know that till now Face Time app supported by all latest Apple devices worked on Wi-Fi only. Apple has announced that the next generation of iOS will allow the Face Time to work even on cellular data plans like 3G or 4G.

We all know Face Time is an outstanding feature of Apple products but the main drawback is that it is only supported by Wi-Fi and many people may not have easy access to Wi-Fi especially when they are travelling or when they are at places other than their house and work place. iOS 6 which is mostly expected to launch in this fall will support Face Time even on cellular connections and this will definitely be a welcome feature to access Face Time who don't have ready access to Wi-Fi.

Moreover AT&T and Verizon wireless companies have already implemented 4G LTE which is 10 times faster than the normal 3G and the same is expected by Sprint mobiles to later this year. Apple's Face Time over cellular connections is clear indication that 4G is going to come in iPhone 5.

Comparison of Face Time with Wi-Fi and Cellular Data Plans:

Undisputedly Face Time on cellular connections is a remarkable feature but to what extent it sustains is more important.

Going through a deep study, we can say that the current download speed of 3G supported by various wireless companies is not up to the mark. Probably a 4G LTE which is 10 times faster than 3G will work better in this scenario. Using 3G the online video streaming is very slow when compared to Wi-Fi, so only 4G will do well.

Now the next question is even if the connection is good enough but can we afford to bare the expenses. Currently data plan is very costly and online streaming will definitely consume lot of MB. So people say that only unlimited data plans like the one provided by Spirit mobile will work well. More over Apple hasn't announced about typically how much band width will be consumed for a video call on Face Time. So considering these issues related to online streaming and the expenses one can say that it's advisable to use Face Time over Wi-Fi rather than cellular data plans.


It's great news to see Face Time on cellular connections and I am sure that Face Time over cellular data plans will definitely work but what really we need to see is that "how well this works?" To know to what extent the Face Time holds good on cellular connections we need to wait till the release of iOS 6.


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