Best Productivity apps for your iOS device- iPad & iPhone
Are you searching for iTunes apps to make your time more productive, help you make you skills yield more results by managing the small tasks for you? Then read this article for the top productive apps that you should go for for your professional life
Let's look at some of the best Productivity apps for your 05 device to make your busy lifestyle just a little bit easier.Due iOS app for iPad and iPhone
This productivity app is near perfect when it comes to easily keeping track of the many or small tasks on your plate on any given day of the week. The reminder creation in Due is simple and quick, there's no need to even name them, while pre-sets allow you to customize and stack up tasks for any situation — personal professional.
Convenience is at the forefront. One tap customization enables users to push reminders forward, add repeats, reuse previous tasks, email or message others. The ability to sync across all devices is a big plus and the beautiful interface puts this app over the edge. You'll never forget another task again.
Download Due appAgenda Calendar iOS app for iPad and iPhone
While you already have a calendar app on your device, Agenda Calendar is a nice
upgrade for those looking to get more out of their daily use. It uses the same cloud-synced calendar data but it simplifies usage and makes it easier to view. It provides five views, multi-month, month, week, day and event. To view in more or less detail, you simply swipe right or left.
To look ahead or even back, users swipe up or down or tap the date Icon to enter a date or to search an event. Event details can be shared by email, and if using Due, you can add alerts and reminders, A newer feature that has been added is "status taps". This feature allows users to confirm events, update arrival times, and send emails or SMS messages to attendees of the event using predefined messages in the event view. Phone numbers and addresses are trappable to easily initiate phone calls or maps.
Download Agenda Calender iOS app for iPhone and iPadScreens VNC iOS app for iPad and iPhone
This productivity app offers surprising power when it comes to accessing your computer through an iOS device. The attractive interface is simple to use and it's the most Mac-like app of this kind you'll find. But it's the support for multiple authentication methods, SSH tunneling, and multi-touch gestures that really makes Screens worth the price of admission.
Naturally you can sync your devices using iCloud and Screens has the ability to work across multiple operating systems whether it's Mac, PC or Linux, making this app highly versatile. It's a little on the pricey side but software like this is invaluable, especially for those using screen sharing on a regular basis. When it's as good and convenient as this, it's a no brainer.
Download Screens VNC appScanner Pro iOS app for iPad and iPhone
Scanner Pro is a productivity app which has been around for a while but it's still one of the best and most used apps on iTunes. This app turns your camera equipped iOS device into a portable document scanner rivaling the image quality from that of a regular scanner hooked up to your computer, Each scan becomes a POF file, which can be password protected, uploaded to an online file storage service, sent by email or printed from your device as long as you have the Print n Share app installed.
Documents can also be transferred over 3G or Wi-Fil to any computer without any additional software, and Scanner Pro even has the ability to utilize Google Docs OCR to convert scans into editable text files in your Google account. One of the more recent updates added batch document scanning and improved support for Evernote and Dropbox.
Download Scanner Pro app1Password iOS app for iPad and iPhone
Remembering all those passwords can be a pain, right? 1Password is a productivity app that puts an end to all those usernames and passwords by helping users to generate extremely secure passwords for all your sites and logins, storing them where others can't find them, and entering them for you almost automatically. You can even store credit card numbers, auto-populate payment info forms and there's even a place for software license keys, encrypted notes membership numbers and, well, you get the idea.
AJI this is backed up with a restore option that is available on Mac PC and Linux with the app available to sync with the desktop version. That's all well and good, but why would you trust this app with so much sensitive information? Well, 1 Password has a two-layer defense with an unlock code and master password, all cryptographic operations are performed using standard OS libraries to ensure there are no security gaps, and the AES encryption and auto-lock keeps your data safe even if your device is lost or stolen.
Download 1Password iOS appAnalytics App for iOS devices- iPad and iPhone
This is a great productivity app for website owners and bloggers to monitor traffic. If you are one of those people, then you know the importance of pouring over the data and analyzing ways to increase flow. Google Analytics provides this info but Analytics App puts that data in the palm of your hand on your iOS device. By entering your Analytics login info, you'll immediately see a list of the websites/blogs you track with Google, but this app supports multiple logins and accounts.
There are 55 different reports available, a lot of comprehensive data to analyze for sure, but these reports are organized intuitively and the slick interface makes using this app so easy you might even find this is your preferred method for consuming your data, especially with the "Today" report that Google doesn't offer and a recently added "Yesterday" report.
Download Analytics AppGoodreader iOS app for iPad and iPhone
Goodreader reader is a robust, super duper productivity app with so many features it's tough to use them all. The viewing experience is quite obviously the major draw as users can view large or
files in multiple file types such as PDF's, Microsoft Office files, HTML, text and image files, videos and even listen to audio.
But it's the extras that make this such an excellent and vital app. You can mark up or annotate PDF file using everything you would on a desktop, reflow PDF text to make reading far easier, sync files and folders with virtually any online server, manage files by zipping and unzipping, copy, move, email and share with other apps, transfer using an Internet connection or integrate with Dropbox, iDisk, Google Docs, SugarSync, and other online services This is an elegant, very well executed app with an amazing set of possibilities and the more you it, the more you will discover you are capable achieving.
Download Goodreader app for iPad
Download GoodReader for iPhoneiThoughts (Mindmapping) iOS app for iPad and iPhone
It's perhaps best used on iPad with a bigger screen, but iThougths (mindmapping) is still a great productivity app cross platform tool. On different devices, you'll notice varied interfaces with onscreen menus for iPad and small triangles used in the corners of the smaller iPhone/ iPod versions to hide the tools, and call them up at a tap.
Overall, all versions offer extensive ranges of advanced features to brainstorm, make notes and map your thoughts. Users can import and export to any number of desktop applications and iThoughts offers integration across multiple servers. The organizational abilities and features of this app are very deep and rich, too many to mention in this short synopsis, but It's hands down one of the best mind mapping apps you'll ever use if you aren't already using the desktop version.
Download iThoughts from iTunesSimplenote iOS app for iPad and iPhone
Any list of productivity apps would not be complete without a great note taking app. Simplenote is exactly that: simple yet high quality with a clean interface. It's so simple it utilizes only two windows for notes besides the text-editing panel, home screen and options window. Entering notes is easy in the text entry held where there is no metadata, advanced formatting options or hassle in trying to jot something down or get to a note.
Once entered, each note automatically syncs with the Simplenote website, where you will need to create an account, and when accessing these online, any changes you make will be sent right back to your device. Recent updates included the ability to lock-in orientation, support for TextExpander, and advanced sort ordering. The premium version includes a subscription to your notes as an RSS feed, unlimited access to the Simplenote API, note creation by email and auto back up.
Download Simplenote from iTunes
Your article is a real business issue for many SMB who need productivity app to improve their internal productivity...
Then, as you say, the BYOD is very present with us because we are 5 consultants to use our personal iPad, and many use the same application for note taking and management of our projects called Beesy ( i don"t think you know it.