How to send a DMCA complaint to Google by Email
Google makes it easy to file DMCA complaints by accepting various forms of DMCA notices including online form, email, fax and postal mail. In this article, I will discuss how to file a DMCA complaint by Email to Google about a copy right violation.
One of the biggest challenges for webmasters is content theft. If you are an online content writer, I am sure you have experienced this several times. After taking a lot of efforts, when you post a great article to the web, some copy cats will steal it and re publish it in several other sites. Search engines could often get confused and even consider you as the copy cat while sending traffic to the reproduced content.
Your best to way to get those content removed is by filing DMCA complaints to Google and the owner of the sites involved in content stealing.
There are several ways you can send a DMCA complaint to Google. In this article, I will share some tips on sending DMCA notice by Email.Best way to file DMCA complaint to Google
The easiest way to file DMCA complaint is by online filing. In that case, you can track your DMCA complaints through the DMCA Dashboard and check the status anytime later. However, if you need to file several DMCA complaints, it is a tedious task to file complaints one by one.
I filed about 300+ DMCA complaints last week because a large number of our articles were stolen by others and republished in their sites. We lost about 75% of our traffic since Google considered our site as a copy cat site and the real copy cats started ranking higher in the search results.
As I continued filing DMCA notices, at each notice I thought this would be the last and I kept filing. After reaching about 200, I realized there are many more to go and I could save a lot of time if I file DMCA complaints to Google by Email. So, instead of keep filing DMCA notices online, I started noting down the infringing URL as well as original URLs in a word document. At the end, after checking all of our articles, I send a single DMCA complaint to Google by Email.
UPDATE on 3 May 2012: Even though Google has mentioned sending DMCA notice by email as an option in the Google UK website, it no longer works. Google does not accept DMCA notices by email anymore. When I sent the DMCA notice by Email to Google, I received an automated email saying "we are no longer processing submissions that come to this address".
So, your only option is limited to filing DMCA complaints through the online form.How to send DMCA complaints by EMail to Google
Once you decided to send a DMCA complaint by Email to Google instead of using the online DMCA dashboard, follow the steps below:
1. Download sample copy of DMCA complaint to Google by Email.
2. Make necessary changes in the complaint letter to match your case. Include your contact information including email, phone number and physical address.
3. Send the DMCA complaint letter as an email attachment to Google in the following email address:
You may report several copy right violations in the same document. By sending a single document for several copy right violations, you can save your time. Also, it could be convenient for Google to take faster action based on a single document rather than processing several DMCA complaints submitted individually.
If you are reporting multiple copy right violations in a single document, for each violation, include 3 pieces of information:
1. URL of original content
2. URL of content that violate your copy rights
3. Nature of violation (you may mention 'My full article is reproduced at the infringing location', 'A significant portion of my article is reproduced in the infringing location. Examples of reproduced text is shown below:', 'The image displayed in the middle of the article (URL of the image) is reproduced from my website without permission' etc.)
One disadvantage of sending DMCA complaint by email to Google is, you cannot track the status through the Google DMCA dashboard.
UPDATE: I found out that Google no longer accepts the DMCA complaint by email, even though this option is still mentioned in the UK website for Google DMCA policies in case of large number of URLs. Instead, Google recommend the online form to file DMCA complaints.