Various 'Google Search features' for smart search activity

This resource unveils important features of Google and Google search. Normally people try to put keyword in Google search box and get search result in usual way but few of the internet users know what Google can do beyond traditional search activity. It will give you smarter result in same form you want.

Google has many capabilities in terms of different features available with it. If we are looking for checking the time, location of different country, we can find with the help of Google features like Time, Location, Define, Calculator, Sunset, Sunrise, Conversion, Sensex, temperature and whether data, spell checker, currency rate and many more. One can get direct result without going far in thousands of available search pages given by Google for that result. It will find the answer to your question in a smart way. Let us see what the features are and how they give you smarter results.

Google search feature: Time

'Time' search on Google search helps you to know the time in different region/country. Put simply name of country/region for which you want to know the current time. e.g. Time Surat
Google search gives you "10:16 Thursday (IST) - Time in Surat, Gujarat"
When you only put 'time' in Google search box, it will give you the time of city of internet provider or location you choose in your homepage of Google. Hence one can get the idea of what are the different time zones available in the world with respect to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). One can also know what the exact time is in USA when a person is in India and so on.

Google search feature: Temperature

When one put 'temperature' as keyword in Google search box, it gives temperature of that city (city of internet provider or location you choose in your homepage of Google).
e.g. temperature Google search gives you "Weather for Surat, Gujarat, 32 degree C, clear sky, Humidity: 59%, Wind: W 6 km/h" So, Google will give you clear idea about whether in your city with temperature, humidity and wind data for that particular day and instant.

Google search feature: Location of a city/region

Sometimes you need to know the exact location of a place/region/city or any country to get some geological details. Google search makes the task easy for you by searching 'location of "city name"'. When you put city name with location keyword, Google search result will give you details of the location and map of that region you are looking for.
For example, location search of Surat city
Google Search features - Location of surat city

You can also use map of Surat as keyword while finding the location of a Surat.

Google search feature: Sunrise and Sunset

One can also get the data/time of sunrise and sunset from Google search. Simply type sunrise in the Google search box, you will get the details like this,
6:21 Friday (IST) - Sunrise in Surat, Gujarat
16 hours 39 minutes from now

Also one can get the data and time for sunset for that day, e.g. if you are looking for sunset data for a day for Ahmedabad city, put "sunset in Ahmedabad " as keyword in Google search and you will get these data:
18:59 Thursday (IST) - Sunset in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
5 hours 16 minutes from now

Google search feature: Calculator

One can use Google Search as calculator. You can perform many known calculator command from Google search engine. Simply type the data or digits with appropriate signs in Google search engine, you will get, answer instantly.
e.g. type "1 + 5 - (7 * 3)" and press enter, you will get this answer, 1 + 5 - (7 * 3) = -15
or any complex calculation like 2^3.4/7-9.6+9(3/8) will give answer ((2^3.4) / 7) - 9.6 + (9 * (3 / 8)) = -4.71699096

Google search feature: Define

Normally, we need dictionary to see the synonyms of any unknown word that we see while reading something. Google now gives you one amazing facility by which you need not look for a word in dictionary. You can simply type the 'unknown-word' after 'define' and you will get the different possible available synonyms and meanings.
e.g. type define: android phone and it will give result 'A robot with a human appearance'
Like this you can use define feature of Google search to find any unknown words

Google search feature: Unit conversion

You can also convert unit for quantities in scientific world. Sometimes in engineering problems, one needs to change unit of the problem quantities in desired unit. Now Google will help you to get unit conversion for you.
e.g. type 1 mm in inch and press enter, you will get this result
1 millimeter = 0.0393700787 inch
Similarly for other units
  • 1 bar in psi, Result: 1 bar = 14.5037738 pounds per square inch

  • 1 litre in cubic cm, Result: 1 litre = 1000 cubic centimeters

  • Thus, Google can be your assistant during your engineering calculations.

    Google search feature: Sensex

    In India, if people with interested in Sensex, they can get latest data on Sensex by simply typing Sensex in Google search box and he/she will get Sensex data for that day.

    Spell checker

    Sometimes, we are not sure whether the spelling we type or write is correct or not. Now our problem can be resolved simply if we use Google as a spell checker. Type the word for which you want to check the spelling, Google search will immediately tell you any corrections if any at all. If the spelling is right it will directly give the search result for that work/key word.

    Google search feature: Currency rate

    People in different region/country often need to know about currency rate in other country or region. Mostly traders want to know this. Google will assist them by its search capabilities. Simple type 'USD in INR' in Google search box and immediately it will give answer.
    e.g. USD in INR gives, Result: 1 U.S. dollar = 51.1587456 Indian rupees.
    Similary you can find USD in Euro, INR in Euro etc.

    Article by Paresh Gujarati
    The author is a mechanical engineer with the Ph.D. degree and has the passion for writing the technical article including mechanical and information technology.

    Follow Paresh Gujarati or read 43 articles authored by Paresh Gujarati


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