How to shut down Windows XP faster

Know how to shut down Windows XP faster. In this article I'll explain how to shut down your Windows XP very fast within 2-3 seconds. This article shall give you some simple steps to shut down your Windows XP quickly- fast shut down in 2 seconds.!!

It would have happened a lot many times when you're doing some work on the PC and don't want that others should be aware of it; and if at that very moment someone comes in and you rush to switch the computer directly off using the power button, cutting off the power supply, thereby harming your system and making it more vulnerable to windows crash and data loss. Normally, shut down takes about 2-3 minutes for the computer to turn off the windows. But adopting a few techniques, we can safely shut down the windows in a relatively shorter time. This can make your experience with windows really interesting if you could shut it down on a blink of eye, just as if some magic happened!!

The reason for the slow shutting down procedure is that while the windows turns off, it needs to close all the currently running applications and processes step by step. But, there are several ways to speed-up windows shutdown procedure without being worried for Windows crash and other problems. Although there are some methods of registry tweaks, but it's generally risky to edit the registry and make changes to it. Moreover, not everyone can do that; people having less knowledge of registry could create problems for them by doing so. Therefore, we'll prefer a rather easy method which can be used easily by everyone.

So here's the solution for you guys. To shut down your Windows XP very fast in a couple of seconds, all you need to do is to simply follow the following steps. The Windows will shut down very soon without any harms and crashes. All your currently running applications will close automatically and the windows will shut down just as if it hibernated. You won't be able to see the shut down procedure even-not even that 'shutting down' thing!! Just click and its off!

The steps you need to follow for a faster windows shut down are:-

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc. This will open the Windows Task Manager. You can even press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and choose the Task Manager from there.

2. Now check the above tab on the task manager to get the option of shut down.

3. When you find the option, click on shut down there, and you'll find 'turn off' as the third option in the drop down menu.

4. Now press and hold 'Ctrl' key and click on turn off.

You're all done. Remember the simple procedure and you'll always be able to shut down your Windows XP within 2 seconds thus not even letting you know if it was ever opened.!!

So try this trick and enjoy the experience of Magic Shutdown.


Author: Tushar Mahadik25 Mar 2013 Member Level: Silver   Points : 3

It's Simple To shutdown PC in all Windows OS

1st Easy Steps

A)Press "Win+R" to open run
B)Type Shutdown -s -t 0
Yours PC Quickly Shutdown

2nd Easy Steps

A)Right Click on Desktop
B)Go To New -> Shortcut
C)Type Shutdown -s -t 0
D)Click Next & Save file Quick Shutdown
E)Click on Finish
F)Double Click on Desktop created just file "Quick Shutdown.exe"

PC will Shutdown

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