How to choose the rank of which country to display in Alexa Site Info page

Do you want to change the country for which the Alexa rank is displayed in the Alexa site info page? You can choose the country through your Alexa dashboard. Learn how to change rank of which country to be displayed in Alexa Site Info page.

If you look at the Alexa site info of any website, you can see the Alexa Rank of the site in any one particular country is displayed at the top, next to the Alexa Global Rank. By default, Alexa choose the country were most of your visitors are from. For example, if you have most visitors from USA, your Alexa Site Info page will display Alexa Global Rank as well as Alexa rank in USA. In addition, you can see the Alexa rank in few other countries for the site, which is displayed in the bottom.

How to display the country for which the Alexa Rank is displayed?

If you want to change the country for which the Alexa rank is displayed, you can do it through the Alexa dashboard. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to Alexa Dashabord.

2. If you don't have an Alexa account yet, you will be asked to register. You may choose to login using your Facebook account as well.

3. In the Alexa dasboard, under the "My Sites" heading, look for the button "Add Site". Click on it to add your website to your dashboard.

4. Provide the details of your website and add it to Alexa dashboard. To use some of the premium services, you need to upgrade to a paid subscription. You can choose not to use the premium services if you don't want to pay.

5. When you add your site to the dashboard, in the site details page, there is a dropdown list which allow you to choose the country for which you want the rank to be displayed in the Alexa site info page. Chose any country from the list.

Alexa Traffic Rank - Choose Country

If you like to change the country anytime, you can come back to the Alexa dashboard and click on your site name to see the site configuration. From that page, you can click on the "Edit Listing" link which will take you to the edit site details page where you can see the dropdown list to choose the country for which the Alexa rank to be displayed. Change the country anytime to any other country.

The changes you make will be reflected in the Alexa Site Info page immediately.

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including,, and many more.

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Guest Author: Sadiq01 Oct 2014

Hello Tony,

I selected the wrong country in Alexa and it starts showing country flag. After few month I changed the country to USA, but it show me NO DATA. Why is that? How can I get data from USA in Alexa?


Guest Author: Raghav28 Aug 2015

I just changed the country name for my website and the message came that it will be updated after couple of days.

Thanks Tony for the valuable information you added.

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