What is the highest AdSense CPC?

AdSense publishers are always looking for higher CPC for their Ads. In this post, I will discuss what is the maximum CPC an AdWords advertiser would pay and what is the highest amount AdSense publisher can get per click.

If you are looking for the highest AdSense Cost Per Click (CPC) that an advertiser can pay, here it is:

Highest CPC allowed by AdWords: US$ 1000 Per Click
Maximum Budget Per Day for advertisers: US$ 250,000
Highest CPC an AdSense Publisher can get (68% of what advertisers pay to Google per click): US$ 680.

Read some effective tips to increase AdSense CTC.

Highest AdSense CPC

$1000 per click is the highest CPC that an advertiser can save in a AdWord campaign. Google pays 68% of the CPC to AdSense publishers. So, obviously, the highest CPC an AdSense publisher can get per click will be US$ 680 per click, which is 68% of the cost per click advertisers pay to Google. Remember this number is just the highest number an AdWords advertiser can pay as to Google, but I doubt if any advertiser would ever create a campaign with such a high CPC.

Interesting facts about Highest CPC in AdWords interface

Max amount that can be types in AdWords user interface for daily budget is $999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. (The number I can type in the CPC field). However, when I enter that amount, the following error is shown:

What you've entered was interpreted as $9,223,372,036,854.78. If this is correct, click 'Save' again. If not, make sure to enter your desired value using your account's number format setting.

AdWords Max CPC error

After the warning, I tried to change the amount to $9,223,372,036,854.78 as suggested by the warning. It results in another warning:

"Your new budget is much larger than your previous one. If you're sure, click 'Save' again"

AdWords Budget Warning

If I confirm to the warning, it gives me an error saying your budget is too large. After few trial and errors, I figured out the maximum budget allowed per per day for AdWords campaign is US$250,000.

Maximum AdWords Budget

Highest Cost Per Click for AdSense Ads

Once I created a new AdWords campaign, I moved on to create AdSense Ads. I started with very high CPC for the Ads and Google gave me errors that my CPC is too high. Finally, I figured out the highest CPC allowed for AdWords/AdSense is US$ 1000. See the screen below where it shows error for $1001 but $1000 is accepted just fine.

Highest CPC for AdSense


Highest CPC AdWords advertisers can pay is US$ 1000 and the highest CPC AdSense users can get per click is US$ 680.

Read more AdSense tips.

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tripod.com. Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including IndiaStudyChannel.com, Techulator.com, dotnetspider.com and many more.

Follow Tony John or read 703 articles authored by Tony John

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Guest Author: Abreil13 Feb 2015

Really helpful information stated in this article about the AdSense CPC. This will clarify so may queries of AdSense users.

Author: Korra23 Apr 2015 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

Nice article and excellent calculation by Tony sir.

Well, according to your calculations, in Adword, the highest CPC an Advertiser can pay is 1000 US Dollars while in Adsense the highest CPC a Publisher can get is 680 US Dollars.

Now, my question is that who is willing to pay so heavy amount for just a single click? Apple, Microsoft or Google itself?
I think no one!

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