Android app review: WhatsApp Messenger and Swiftkey X keyboard
This article reviews the top Android applications of all time - WhatsApp Messenger. It is also called the replacement of SMS as you can send unlimited messages and share lots of stuff with your friends through a data connection. Also take a look at the best Android keyboard to have ever existed, the SwiftKey X Keyboard. To know more about why this keyboard is worth every penny of your money, read more of this review and download SwiftKey X from Play Store.
WhatsApp Messenger
Category- Communication, free messaging
Current Rating- 4.5+ stars out of 5
Price- Free from Google Play Store (formerly Android Market)
Android has seen a huge boom all around the world and one of the biggest reason for it is the wide variety of options to choose from. And once you have a lot of your friends shifting to one platform, that can only mean a good thing. The best way to describe WhatsApp Messenger would be calling it the BBM of the Android world. If you aren't able to guess what BBM is, then for you, it is the BlackBerry Messenger. This app is the perfect way to literally send unlimited messages to your friends and be only limited by your data connection (either 3G/2G or Wi-fi). The best part of WhatsApp is the fact that because you need to register for the service using your mobile number, you can immediately start chatting with people in your phone address book who are WhatsApp users already. You can send videos, images, voice notes to your friends and contacts and share your location with them, exchange contacts, broadcast messages and MMS to many contacts at once and so so much more. WhatsApp is available for Android, BlackBerry, Apple iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia phones so its made sure that you shall never run out of friends to talk to for the whole day. So what are you waiting for, download WhatsApp for FREE from Google Play Store (formerly Android Market) and let your thumbs be busy.SwiftKey X Keyboard
Category- Keyboard, customisation, productivity
Current Rating- 4.5+ stars out of 5
Price- Rs. 155.36 ($2.99) from Google Play Store (formerly Android Market)
You do not wish to use a touchscreen phone because you know that is has a crappy keyboard that will make life impossible for you. Understood. But, today's mobile OSes have some some amazing touchscreen keyboards as in Windows Phone and Apple iOS that you would love to type in them any day. But the stock Android Qwerty keyboard isn't as good or as functional. So what do you do? Well of course, you get yourself the best keyboard available on the street. And SwiftKey X does just that, it makes your Android phone have the best keyboard out there. Now the layout and everything is good but the highlight of this keyboard has to be it's prediction. Its that good that I sometimes type out a whole message without even pressing a letter even ONCE. Typing long emails and messages becomes so much less of a haggle and more of a delightful feeling. The keyboard theme choices and pretty nice too and can be selected according to the persona that fits you. I can only wish that this becomes the default Android keyboard in the future.
I think WhatsApp is a popular app for online chatting on Andriod smartphone. The good thing is that it is available for free of cost on Google Play Store. Your information in the article is very helpful because I was also looking for online messenger for my Android Phone. Swiftkey X keyword is also good but it is costly. So, I think that I should go with WhatsApp Android apps because it has too many amazing features as mentioned above in the article. Thanks for this useful article.