Panda Safe Browser - browse the web safely

Do you think web is not a safe place? Are you afraid of websites having spyware and malware and worried whether to access a website? Learn how to use Panda Safe Browser and browse the website privately and safely.

The web is becoming a dangerous place day by day. It is not safe to access many websites because they could contain potentially dangerous programs that could invade in to your privacy and can affect the security of your personal data. Also, there could be hidden programs that track your browsing history and send out your confidential data to other tracking applications.

Typically, you should not keep confidential data like banking information on a computer that is used to download music, movies etc. Music and movie downloading websites generally have higher chancing of hosting dangerous malware.

What is the solution to security threats in browsing the web

Well, even though many websites and pluggins can cause security problems to your computer, there are still some hope. New browsers like Google Chrome offer a safe browsing option. The safe browsing option in Google Chrome is called "incognito". Other modern browsers also started offering such private browsing options, making it a bit safer to browse websites.

Safe browsing options in normal browsers make it safer by opening a separate window with no pluggins. Also, your browsing history will not be saved. When you exit the safe browsing window, all session data is cleared, leaving no traces of your browsing information. You can see a screenshot of the Panda Safe Browser session.

Panda Safe Browser

The safe browsing or private browsing options provided by normal browsers have some limitations. They cannot control anything beyond what a browser can do. It cannot prevent an external malware sitting in your computer tracking your keystrokes. It cannot prevent a website sharing or collecting your information.

Panda Safe Browser - browse the web safely

Panda Safe Browser is a solution that can help you browse websites safely, a lot more safe than normal browsers do.

Download Panda Safe Browser

Download Panda Safe is a 3 MB file which can be downloaded in few minutes. However, during installation, it will download and install Linux with VirtualBox which would take much longer depending on your internet speed and computer. You can download Panda Safe Browser from Panda Security website.

How is Panda Safe Browser really safe?

Panda Safe Browser uses VirtualBox to provide you a safe virtual browsing environment. During installation of Panda Safe Browser, you will be prompted to download and install the Sun VirtualBox, which is free to use.

Your browsing session is isolated from your normal computer environment. Even if there is any malware included in the pages you browse, then cannot get access to your normal computer resources. The browser is running in its own virtual environment which is like a Sandbox.

Here is some information from Panda Security why Panda Safe Browser is safe:

  • It is based on Mozilla Firefox, which is relatively safer browser

  • It has almost no plug-ins that can be exploited by malware

  • Runs with minimal permissions and does not the malware to make any changes to the OS

  • Runs on a Linux operating system internally, reducing chances of vulnerability

  • Runs on a virtual machine and is isolated from normal computing environment

  • All the above layers of security offer much more protection than a normal web browser on your computer.

    Everything in the Panda Safe Browser runs on the memory and no files are saved to the disk. When you exit the browsing session, all files and data are discarded and nothing will be saved to your computer. This will reduce the vulnerability significantly, even though nobody can claim 100% safety when it comes to web browsing.


    Article by Tony John
    Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including,, and many more.

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