Which is better: Aakash, UbiSlate 7+ or Penta T-Pad tablet?

Find out which is better - Aakash tablet, UbiSlate 7+ or the newly released BSNL Penta T-Pad. Learn more about Aakash vs UbiSlate 7+ vs BSNL Penta T-Pad.

When Government of India announced Aakash tablet for $35, everyone went after it and started placing orders through DataWind prebooking service. I have no idea how many tablets I prebooked! In fact, the prebooking of Aakash and UbiSlate 7+ appears to be a joke and is meant to fool the people to increase the number of prebooking orders. Anyone can prebook the UbiSlate tablets and there is no commitment to buy. No one from DataWind is going to contact and ship a tablet to you (unless you made a payment). DataWind recently stopped the prebooking for this tablet and currently accepting the prebooking orders for their UbiSlate 7+ tablets for April delivery.

Just 2 days ago, the telecom giant BSNL announced Penta T-Pad series of tablets at a price high competitive with the low cost Aakash and UbiSlate tablets.

Now the biggest questions is, which is better, Aakash tablet or BSNL Penta T-Pad tablet? If you find an answer, here is another concern. The Aakash tablet is not available for purchase any longer. The general opinion spreading everywhere is Aakash tablet did not meet the quality expectations and Government is not happy with DataWind. This has made Government to start looking for other vendors as well.

So, now the consumers can buy only the retail version of Aakash called "UbiSlate 7+". But here arises the confusion again. Which is better, UbiSlate or BSNL Penta T-Pad.

In this article, I will do detailed comparative study of Aakash tablet, UbiSlate 7+ and all models of BSNL Penta T-Pad tablets. I have tried my best to help you find answer for the question which is a better tablet, Aakash, UbiSlate 7 or Penta T-Pad.

Which is better, Aakash, UbiSlate or BSNL Penta T-Pad tablets?

Instead of me coming to a conclusion and telling you which is a better tablet, I would provide a comparison chart of all the tablets discussed here. I would let you come to your own conclusion and choose the best tablet for you.

Compare Aakash, UbiSlate 7+ and BSNL Penta T-Pad tablets

If you take a close look at the above comparison chart, you can find few facts:

1. Penta T-Pad IS701R is a base model in the T-Pad series of tablets released by BSNL and Pantel partnership.

2. Penta T-Pad IS701R features and price are comparable with Aakash tablet.

3. Aakash tablet has a lot less features compares to Penta T-Pad IS701R and UbiSlate 7+. Unless you get it free, it is probably not worth buying the Aakash tablet.

4. UbiSlate 7+ is slighly lower priced than Penta T-Pad IS701R. However, the Penta T-Pad IS701R has many improved features like faster CPU. You can read the my article on compare UbiSlate 7+ with Penta T-Pad IS701R

5. UbiSlate 7+ is priced lower than Penta T-Pad IS701R, but the UbiSlate 7+ has a built-in phone. If you want to use your tablet as a phone, the Penta T-Pad IS701R is not an option for you. You have to either buy the higher end model of the T-Pad series which costs 10999.00, or have to settle with the UbiSlate 7+.

6. If use as phone is not a requirement and you don't mind paying Rs 25 extra, the Penta T-Pad IS701R is a good entry level tablet for you. Penta T-Pad IS701R offers many improved features compared with UbiSlate 7+ and Aakash tablet.

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tripod.com. Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including IndiaStudyChannel.com, Techulator.com, dotnetspider.com and many more.

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Guest Author: sameer27 Feb 2012

Why not earphone and 3.5 jeck in penta T-pad tab..is available or not say me plz. i m music lover

Guest Author: Samrath27 Feb 2012

wrong information. datawind is very much associated with the aakash project. see http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/hardware/aakash-2-tablet-pc-datawind-eligible-to-bid-in-new-tender-says-kapil-sibal/articleshow/12007546.cms
Ubislate7+ (upgraded aakash) has a much faster processor. The real speed of the processor of bsnl tablets is between 533Mhz to 800 Mhz, not 1Ghz (see chart on the chip-maker's website: http://www.infotmic.com/cn/products_xpxx2.asp;

so 1Ghz is only obtained by overclocking – which won't be sustainable). More importantly, their device is on Arm-11, whereas Ubislate7+ is on Cortex A8. The Cortex A8 architecture is 2x faster than Arm 11. So a Cortex A8 – 800 Mhz processor will perform at the same as a 1.6GHz – Arm-11 processor. The bsnl processor is only equivalent to 300 to 400 Mhz in Cortex A8 terms

Author: Tony John27 Feb 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2


Thanks for posting the link to the news. The news nowhere states that DataWind is associated with the Aakash-2 tablet. It just states that it will be allowed to participate in the bid (just like other participants).

Read this: http://www.zlobber.com/resources/10024-Aakash-A-lot-confusing-information-from.aspx. This company did not follow any professional business ethics in Aakash tablet project.

Guest Author: Samrath29 Feb 2012

Hi Tony
you know why datawind won the tender in the first bid? this was because it has 18 patented technologies which enables it to deliver such a device at such a low price. competition is always welcome.....but it remains to be seen whether any other company can do what datawind has done.That is why the govt cannot divorce Datawind as was flashed by a lot of media channels seeking to sensationalise non-issues. The correct news, hardly anyone posted.
Infact the companay has been getting international recognition for the same.

DataWind named among World's 50 Most Innovative Companies - By FastCompany

Author: Tony John29 Feb 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4


Thanks for sharing the information. I would be more than happy to publish another blog if you can point me to authentic sources of information that show the merits of the company.

Most of the blogs are written without really seeing the product. Same is the case with me. I paid the money but have no way to track my purchase. The whole pre-booking process is a mess. I wish the company had handled this in a more professional way. On the first hand, why did company accept millions of pre-booking orders from every kid in the world? I am sure not even 5% of those people are really going to buy it. Most of them did the pre-booking just because it does not cost anything to try.

Instead, if DataWind had allowed only genuine buyers to do the pre-booking by taking money in advance, this would have been a much smoother process.

If you can share any additional information about DataWind and the quality of the products, please share. I will be more than happy to publish the information.

Guest Author: suresk29 Feb 2012

Why no Ear phone jack in penta T pad? How can we hear the music without a headphone? I think they failed in this alone.

Guest Author: Samrath01 Mar 2012

Smart UK Project: DataWind Crowned UK's Most Innovative Mobile Company


Author: Tony John14 Mar 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1


I appreciate posting the link. I appreciate providing us additional information.

Why do you think the pre-booking system of Aakash tablet is such a mess? Why the company is accepting thousands of pre-booking orders everyday but do not deliver the product?

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