How to cancel Aakash Tablet booking or order online

This article is about how to cancel aakash tablet booking online. Cancelling aakash tablet is a simple and easy. you can cancel your aakash tablet online booking by just sending a cancellation mail to the company support team or by calling their customer care number.

Aakash Tablet Booking Cancellation, the world's cheapest tablet and the tab that made India proud has created a revolution when it was released and by hitting 1.4 million bookings in 14 days and reached 2.1 million bookings in 21 days. Though, it was a huge hit, company couldn't handle the huge number of orders with having only one Manufacturing unit. But later, surprisingly the cheapest tab couldn't satisfy the users. The reason behind the tablet failure is its low processor and low battery life. Indeed, a cheapest smartphone processor and battery life is much better than the Aakash tablet. Considering this as a feedback, the Indian government decided to upgraded the tablet with much better processor, battery and other additinonal features.

How to Cancel Aakash Tablet Booking or Order online

Recently, HRD Minister, Kapil Silbal announced that they are upgrading the Aakash Tablet with better processor,battery life and features and will come in to the market by April 2012. Also, said the upgraded aakash "Aakash 2" will be free to every Indian student. This made everyone more excited. Ofcourse, who would reject something better for free. ? No one !

Reading the upgraded and free Aakash Tablet news, people who placed order for Aakash tablet decided to cancel the tablet and order the upgraded Aakash. But, the first question they have got in mind is - How to Cancel Aakash Tablet Order ? Well, it's not a big process to cancel Aakash tablet. Here, I will tell you the 2 best and possible ways to cancel Aakash tablet booking or order.

How to Cancel Aakash Tablet Booking(order)

Well, firstly Aakash tablet is a 'Cash on Delivery' mode. So, you don't need to worry about money at all. The first process for cancelling Aakash tablet is by requesting a cancellation mail to the Datawind support team @ or Also you can request cancellation through a call @ +91 94172 01700. This is Datawind's contact number in India. Due to lot of calls from people across the country, you may not get into contact soon. Don't worry if you cannot through phone. There's other way to cancel the product.

According to protocal, company team will call you to confirm the delivery of the product when the device is ready. At that time, inform them your cancellation of product and your done. Your product will be cancelled. These are the 2 best and possible ways to cancel you Aakash tablet booking (order). And if you want to place order for the new upgrade Aakash tablet, you need to wait till April 2012. There's some expected features and spectifications of Aakash 2 on news websites which im going to write for you.

Aakash 2 Expected features and Specifications

• Operating System : Android 2.3 gingerbread
• Processor : 1Ghz Processor
• RAM : 1GB
• Camera : Front VGA camera
• Functionality : Phone & SIM
• Battery : 3200 mAh
• Battery Stand by time : 6-7 hours

Aakash 2 Tablet Price for Students
Aakash 2 tablet will be free to all University students

Aakash 2 Tablet Commercial version price
Aakash 2 Tablet commercial version price will be Rs.2,500/- and will come down to Rs.1,500/- once bookings reach 1 million.


Guest Author: Chaitanya Somalwar26 Sep 2013

how can i cancel my product after being informed by phone that my product is ready?

Guest Author: amit jadhav14 Jun 2014

2 days back somebody called me and said I can order it for Rs.3229. But it is given that the price is Rs 1500. How can I cancel my old order and order it for Rs 1500? Please help me buy an Aakash tablet for the discounted price.

Guest Author: Pratik Bhongle06 Oct 2014

I ordered Aakash tablet about 2 years back. Now someone called me and said I can order it. I don't want to buy it. How to cancel my order?

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