Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba with 13 MP camera- Features and Specifications
Features and specifications of Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba and expected price in provided here. Leaked photos and sample pictures taken from 13 MP camera Sony Ericsson LT 28 Android smartphone is also included here. The phone will be having dual core processor and expected that release date will be on CES 2012.
Sony Ericsson is bringing two major phones in their Android series. The phone does not contain "Xperia" in its name but it is registered under "Xperia" series of Sony Ericsson. The phone is not yet announced by Sony Ericsson but it is expected to release in USA in early 2012.The new Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba comes in a very new design. The other phone which comes under this series is Sony Ericsson is LT26i Nozomi.
Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba comes with high speed 1.5 Ghz dual core processor. The process will give a very high performance for the phone. The phone will be having 4.3 inches HD display and a maximum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. The OS will be the popular Google's OS Android 2.3.7. The phone will not feature Android Ice cream sandwich but it comes with gingerbread OS. Graphics is powered by Adreno 220 chipset. Special user interface from Sony Ericsson will add more credits to the phone. The phone will be first released in USA under AT&T. It is expected that the phone will reach other countries in the middle of 2012. The phone is also expecting on CES 2012.
The most attractive feature of Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba is 13MP camera. It will be the first smartphone with 13 MP camera. We have already some Nokia phones with 12MP camera but 13 MP smartphone comes first in gadgets. You can also take 1280x720 pixel resolution photos from Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba smartphone. LED flash is also provided. Some leaked images which are confirmed to be taken from Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba are uploaded to Picasa and we have provided some of this here. Images may compressed during the uploading procedure in Picasa but these pictures can get a clear image of the power of 13 MP camera from Aoba.
The price of Sony Ericsson LT 28 Aoba is not yet available because the phone is not officially announced. It is difficult to guess the price of a phone because it comes with new features. We are expecting a price above Rs. 30,000.