Online buy Aakash PC tablets in India

You can easily buy Aakash tablets online in India. Buying and purchasing Aakash tablets online is not a difficult process. Different websites offers different booking price of Aakash tablet. Read this article to know more about online buying website for Aakash PC tablets in India. Moreover, you can check booking or other purchase details of Aakash tablets in India.

Online buy Aakash PC tablets in India

How to buy online Aakash tablet in India?

The booking for the World's cheapest tablet is started in India. We already know that Aakash tablet is the cheapest tablet ever made in the world history which will be distributed at a price of $ 49. Many students are keen to purchase Aakash tablets but it is not available yet for sale, publically. When talking about Aakash tablet features then it has 7 inch wide screen having Android (2.2 OS version) that offers capacitive touch screen. You cannot say it tablet with high comforts because its main purpose is to educate the poor students who cannot afford to have high tablet PC in India. Through Aakash tablet, dreams and desires of many poor people will come true. They can afford to have Tablets PC in India at a cheap price of $ 49.

But still it is difficult to purchase Aakash tablet from retailers store because it is not distributed to any retailer till now. If you are in need of Aakash tablets then we have an online provision of booking Aakash tablets in India. Buying Aakash tablets online is not a difficult process. Before purchasing Aakash tablets online, make sure that every claiming website offers different price tag such that, some selling it at price the of $35, Some selling tablet with price of $ 49 including 1 year warranty while others selling it at the price of $ 60.

Not to forget that it costs to $ 35 for students without warranty and if you want full proof warranty of it then it will be available at the cost of $ 49. It will be surprise for you if some website is selling it at its own price tag. You cannot do anything but have to look for the accurate choice that matches your price requirement.

Online purchase Aakash PC tablet in India

Some Aakash tablets are distributed to students for free. It includes more than 400 universities and around 20,000 colleges to whom Aakash tablets is distributed free of cost. It basically includes IITs and other reputed colleges but names of the colleges are not public yet. The upcoming target of Aakash tablet is to distribute it throughout the country so as to educate each and every backward student of India. Aakash tablet is also named as uBISlate7 in the market. So, you can even purchase it from market when available.

You can buy Aakash tablet online by visiting aakashdatawind official website and then book your order by entering your personal details on main page or else call on the Toll Free Number 1800 180 2180. In case you have successfully book the order then datawind executive will contact you shortly on your prescribed address. There are many third party websites too that are selling the Aakash tablets online. So, be careful about the price tag before purchasing it from any website.


Guest Author: chinmaya04 Dec 2011

may i know whether commercial ubislate has launched or not ?if not please specify the date.

Guest Author: Malik Athar05 Dec 2011

It is perfect for poor students!

Guest Author: raja05 Dec 2011

akash tablet pc is very nice and it is very usefull for students and thanks to akash

Guest Author: Ankush sahu06 Dec 2011

I still waiting for dis tabllet mobile...........

Author: chirag sachdeva19 Jan 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Hello all,

You all can easily booked or order Aakash tablet online. Now both Datawind and IIT Rajastahn are making Aakash tablet but only Datawind has opened Aakash tablet online booking, buy and sales in India. For Aakash 2 tablet online buy, you have to go to

Guest Author: 02 Feb 2013

buy tablet online from devante store at cheap rate.

Guest Author: aditya chettri11 Nov 2014

I am a college student from West Bengal pleasant anybody tell me how to buy Akash2 tablet.

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