How to buy Aakash Tablet PC Online?
You may be wondering with How to buy Aakash tablet or Where to get Aakash tablet. The procedure for buying or ordering Aakash Tablet PC online is given here. The availability of Aakash tablet for students, colleges providing Aakash tablet PC, booking details and purchasing details of Aakash tablet and stores providing Aakash tablets are provided here.
World's cheapest tablet "Aakash Tablet PC" is now available in India. The cheapest tablet has got wide response from all parts of the world. So the popularity of Aakash has gone from India to all countries. The major thing which makes Aakash Tablet PC to get good market is its cheapness.
Aakash tablet will be provided to students with a subsidized price of $35 and it will be available in market with a price tag of $60. Indian government is buying the tablet from a British company Datawind at a cost of $50. Datawind can make 100,000 units, so the tablet will be available all over India in coming weeks.
At the initial stage the 100,000 pieces of Aakash Tablet will be provided entirely free for college students. Already 500 pieces are given to the students those who attend the launch event at October 5 and get a good response. HRD minister, Kapil Sabil has not yet given the list of colleges which pro
how to buy aakash tab