How to troubleshoot the Blue Screen error?
This article explains how to view the error message in order to troubleshoot the blue screen of death (BSOD) and other system and applications errors by using Event Viewer and Reliability monitor.
How to troubleshoot the Blue Screen by Death
Windows operating system sometimes will show a blue screen and it will automatically restart the computer before checking what caused the issue. The Blue screen may appear in Windows operating system due to various reasons. If the system memory is not adequate to handle software or operating system and many more reasons. Blue screen will actually prevent the system causing further damage to the system.
Blue screen will not give the complete information; at least you need to have some time to read what information is shown in the screen. Once the blue screen comes and it will restart the system immediately, you can modify the settings in order to force the blue screen to stay for some time.
In order to modify the settings Click the Windows start button and then right click the mouse button on the computer screen and select properties will open the system properties and click the Advanced system settings. Advanced system settings require administrator permission. Check the below screenshot
Once the Advanced system settings Windows click the Advanced tab and click the Startup and Recover panel Settings button will open the Startup and Recovery Window. (Check the below screenshot)
From Startup and Recovery Window just unselect Automatically restartand click OK button will not restart the computer when the blue screen comes next time. (Check the below screen shot)
You can read the complete details about the Blue screen of death. You can note the information which causes the blue screen and then restart the system manually to find the solution.
We can even check the system log file to see more details about the system error. Click the Windows start button and type eventvwr.msc in the run prompt and hit enter will open the Windows Event Viewer and you can check the error for Application, System, Security from the Windows logs. Once you select the type of Log it will show all the information and errors related to the logs and by selecting a specific error or information it will show detailed information.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 are having a Reliability Monitor Tool which will monitor various system activities. In includes system crash also. In order to open the Reliability Monitor click the Windows start button and type perfmon.msc in the run prompt and hit enter will open the performance monitor and it will show the reliability monitor to. There you can check the system crash for the particular time. It will display all the information and error in the chart and by selecting the particular information will show you the detailed information about Software installation errors, Hardware issues, Windows failures, and miscellaneous errors of the system.
Using Reliability Monitor and Event Viewer you can check all the system and other application errors
i am using bluescreen view to analyze the problem