Windows 7 cannot connect to internet - How to fix it

This article explains and discusses the problems related to internet connection in Windows 7 and the the way to solve them.

Windows 7 cannot connect to internet - how to solve the problem?

Are you having problems connecting to internet in your Windows 7 Computer? Windows 7 can automatically fix number of problems relating to internet connection. The problem may be due to a problem in Windows 7, or may be in network set up or it may be with your internet service provider. Here are some solutions to rectify the problems related to internet connection in Windows 7.

  • Turn off Fire Wall or Anti Virus Programs: One problem why internet does not work in a newly installed Windows 7 is that of due to third pary firewall or due to anti virus. To make sure that the problem is not due to these, try to uninstall firewalls and anti virus programs. If the anti virus program or the firewall is not compatible with Windows 7, then there is a possibility that it an accidentally block the connections to the internet.

  • Disable protection mode: One of the other reasons is that you may not be able to connect to the internet due to IE8 which ships with Windows 7 itself. It is believed that the security settings are set such that it is not possible to connect to the internet or any website at all.

    This can be tested by going to Tools, then Internet Options, and clicking on the 'Security tab'. Click on Internet and move the slide bar down to t5he bottom ( lowest security ) as shown in the screen shot below.
    Running command prompt as administrator in windows 7

    After moving the slider down completely, click on OK. Now close the IE8 and open it again. Now you should be able to connect to the internet. If it still does not work our, try to uncheck the 'Enable Protected Mode' option. Restart IE8 again and check.

  • Install Drivers in emulation mode: If you are installing Windows 7 on a slightly old computer, then the problem may be due to incompatible drivers.
    So you can try to update the drivers with latest ones for your network card. Try to install the latest drivers and see if it works. If it still does not work, then you have to install the drivers in compatible mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the executable file, choosing properties,clicking on the compatibility tab and checking the box which says 'Run this program in compatibility mode and then choose the OS.

  • Try network trouble shooter: If none of the above methods works out, then you can try the built-in network diagnoswtic tool. You have to right-click on the Network icon in the system tray and choose Troubleshoot problems. It automatically detects what the problem is and give you a possible reason and a solution.

  • Uninstall the network card: You can try to uninstall the network card from Device Manager and let Windows 7 reinstall it again and reboot.

    Go to the 'Control Panel', click on 'Hardware and Sound', and then open 'Device Manager'. Right-click on your network card and choose Uninstall. If prompted to remove the driver, click Yes. Now restart Windows and the default Windows 7 driver will be installed, which might get your connection working again.

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