Mouse not working after Waking up from Hybernation in Windows 7

This articles explains how to fix the problem related to mouse when it does not work after hibernation.

What to do when mouse does not work after hibernation in windows 7

Hibernation was specially made for laptops. Hibernation is disabled by default in windows 7. Let us see how to make your mouse work after hibernation.

  • Unplug the mouse: One of the easiest solution is to unplug it and plug it again. Windows 7 operating system detects the mouse as soon as it is plugged in and the mouse will start working. This is only a temporary solution. You need to make some changes in system settings to solve the problem permanently.

  • Dont allow Windows 7 to turn off devices: Windows 7 automatically 'suspend' a device for saving the power. It is possible that when you go to hibernation mode, the PC shuts down and the mouse is turned off. When you boot up again but the mouse may still be off. To fix this problem, you have to tell your Windows 7 PC that it should not turn off the mouse, your USB hub which provides power to the mouse.

  • 1. Open the Device Manager.
    2. Now uncollapse “Universal Serial Bus controllers"
    3. For each USB root hub right-click on it and click on Properties.
    4. Now go to the tab Power Management and uncheck the option 'Alow the computer to turn off this device to save power'.

    This method would solve the problem with the mouse and it will start working even after waking from hibernation.


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