Minesweeper - The intelligent game that comes with Windows Operating system

Computers who are used to playing the offline games available with Windows OS will be well aware about the minesweeper game. There are many users who are least aware of how to play this game. This is really a very addictive game once you know how to play it. In this resource I will make you all addictive to this game as I am.

Minesweeper - The most interesting game, provided you know how to play

I am a big fan of this Minesweeper game that comes with Windows OS. Whenever I get bored of working, I just get this on screen and start playing. I have seen many of my friends coming to me and asking what am I doing. Initially I used to feel surprised when anyone came to me and asked that question. My answer used to be "I am playing". But then the next question used to surprise me more. They used to ask me with a big question mark on their face saying "Do you understand how to play this?" or " How did you learn to play this?" or even more shocking question like "Is this really a game?"

Still I find people who know that there is a game called Minesweeper but feel that it is something out of the world.

Through this resource I would like to let people know everything about Minesweeper game.

First let me tell you that you need not have internet connection to play this game. Just install Windows OS like XP and you can have this game handy to play whenever you feel like playing.

1) Go to Start
2) Click on All Programs
3) Click on Games
4) Click on Minesweeper

A small box opens with a smiley at the center.

Minesweeper is a very good game that provides complete exercise for your brain. It involves a lot of thinking process which sharpens the mind.

The game is very simple. There are mines/bombs hidden under some of the tiles on the board and we have to discover all the tiles under which these are present. As simple as it sounds.

There are two LED model displays on both the left and right side of the smiley. The left display lets you know the number of mines/bombs present and the right display shows the time being taken. The game starts as and when you click on any squared tile on the board.

Now you might think where does the mind come in to the picture when the bombs/mines are revealed by clicking on the tile. Let me explain you about that too.

Once you left click on a tile, two things can be revealed. One can be a bomd/mine and the other can be a number ranging from 1 to 8. These numbers indicate that there are that many bombs around the tile. For example if number 1 is revealed, it means there is one bomb in the eight tiles surrounding that 1 numbered tile. Similarly for 2,3 and so on. If 8 is revealed it implies all the tiles surrounding the 8 numbered tile have bombs/mines under them.

Now, when you suspect that there is a bomb in one of the tiles , you can mark it so that you do not click on it again. To mark a tile or to flag a tile, right click on the tile. Once you have revealed and marked all the tiles but still he game has not completed it indicates you have over marked the tiles. Now you need to reveal few of those marked tiles to complete the game. Based on the numbers in the surrounding of the marked tiles you can unmark the tiles by right clicking them again. One right click on a marked tiles leaves a question mark on the tile.

If you feel to reset the game in between you can do so by clicking on the smiley in the center.

There are four modes available in the game. Beginner, Intermediate, Exert and Custom. Players who are new are advised to start with beginner mode and move on.

Now wondering how to pause a game!!! Just minimize the Minesweeper window and you can pause the game and work on other things.


Guest Author: Joy28 Mar 2014

Minesweeper is an very old game that comes with Windows OS. It was not too much successful because it was a very boring game and even I don't likes to play it on my PC. Instead, there are many new and interesting games available on new Windows 7 OS. They are really good and worth option for time pass if I get bored.

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