This article explains Network Monitor 3.4 the latest release from Microsoft is to view, capture the network traffic and it is having some exiting feature in its latest version 3.4
Network Monitor 3.4
Network Monitor 3.4 is a Network Monitoring tool which is a free tool from Microsoft to capture, view and analyze the network traffic of your computer network. Netmon 3.4 includes improved User Interface(UI), Customizable Windows layouts, Column Management and layouts, Color Rules, performance enhancements and other features.
User Interface is improved to see the some of the features which are not easy to find is now placed in the right areas.
Parser Configuration is now with profiles so that you can switch between parser configuration and Parser Profiles easily, which is a cumbersome job in previous versions
Column Management will modify the column layout based on the file. This layout can be modified and can be used in the future also by saving this modified layout. Added a new column to shown the UTC Timestamp. TCP Troubleshoot and HTTP troubleshoot are the other two layouts that is included.
Color Rules can be created to highlight a problem and share the color rule with others and the color rule that can be used in feature also.
Windows Layout Dropdown can be used to select the type of layout; the layouts are Simple, Diagnostic, and Developer. At any time you can switch between the layout and you can reset the layout to by clicking "Restore Default Layout" which brings the default layout.
Performance Enhancement in Parser is achieved by switching between the simpler parser is now easy .High performance will do the complete parsing will be used in low level where we need to do complete parsing. Any time you can quickly switch between different parser. Different types of Network Monitor parser are High Performance Capturing, Faster Parsing, and Windows.
High Precision Timestamps gives more accurate time stamp which is not in the previous versions
Process Tracking
is to capture the process information which can be achieved by using NMCap.
Other important features included in Network Monitor 3.4 are High Performance Filtering, 802.11n and Raw IP Frame Support, Live "Experts", Fixed-Width Font
Check the below link to download the Network Monitor 3.4 and start monitoring your network.
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