Top 10 Best Themes and Desktop Gadgets for Windows 7

This article explains the best about Windows 7 Operating System. It has mentioned about top 10 themes and desktop gadgets for Windows 7 which can increase its efficiency.

Top 10 themes for Windows 7

  • Call of duty Windows 7 Theme
  • World of Warcraft Windows 7 Theme
  • Star Wars Windows 7 Theme
  • Final Fantasy Windows 7 Theme
  • Dragon Age Origins Windows 7 Theme
  • Twilight: New Moon Windows 7 Theme
  • Halo Windows 7 Theme
  • C & C4 Windows 7 Theme
  • Battlefield Bad Company Windows 7 Theme
  • Zelda Windows 7 Theme

  • Top 10 desktop gadgets for Windows 7

    Desktop gadgets provides added functionality and convenience in a variety of ways. Here are top 10 desktop gadgets -
  • All CPU Meter
    This gadget monitors memory usage of the system as well as CPUs, and it packs a lot of information into a small space. It supports upto 8 cores.
  • Windows Orb Clock
    It has clean look and the nice symmetry.
  • Clipboard Manager
    We can save upto 999 clips and can delete any clip or send it to the Favourites lists with right click. It also has privacy mode for security of the clips.
  • Facebook Explorer
    This can be configured to run in a smaller or larger width and one of the three heights.
  • Ultimate Explorer
    This lets us to search popular sites from the desktop without going for these sites first in the browser. This gadget can search Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, eBay, Amazon, Digg, and many more.
  • App Launcher
    It has the same functionality as of Quick Launch bar but can be placed anywhere we want on the desktop.
  • Mini TV
    This gadget allows us to choose from number of stations which we can watch in tiny gadget window.
  • Traffic by Bing Maps
    This gadget is very nice as we can know in advance if there are problems along a particular route.
  • Magic Folder
    We have so many files on desktop sometimes. We can just drag those files into magic folder. This gadget examines the file extensions and sends the files to the right folders. For example .jpg, .gif image files go to the Pictures Folder.
  • Open/Close DVD
    This gadget make the work of opening the DVD drive door easy as it has two buttons Open and Close.

  • Comments

    Guest Author: Jannet13 Nov 2012

    Thank you for providing the great list. I have tried some of them already and are very cool on Windows 7. Hope soon we will see a Windows 8 version of the cool themes and gadgets.

    Author: avinash pandey18 Nov 2012 Member Level: Silver   Points : 4

    One of the best thing about winodws is that it has a lot of applications and utilities for its users.All of us wants that our home screen should look As beautiful as possible and one thing that really helps us in that is the beautiful themes and wall papers.There are thousands themes related to windows and that too they are available in a large variety of categories starting from nature,films to space and game themes.Apart from themes another most sought out thing in windows 7 is the essential utilities to enhance our experience.Here also the utilities are available in large no of categoriees.

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