Windows and Linux - Which one is better for normal PC user?
Windows and Linux are two operating systems widely used among computer users. Here is a comparison of Windows with Linux showing the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Windows and Linux are two categories of operating systems. Windows is a proprietary operating system and Microsoft owns all the rights to modify and distribute Windows. Linux is an open source OS i.e, everyone has the right to use, modify and distribute Linux operating systems. Linux is having more versions than Windows since its open source. Some of the most popular windows operating systems are Windows XP and Windows 7. The most popular Linux operating systems are Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Mandriva. You have to pay for getting a genuine copy of Windows operating system but the Linux versions are free. You can download the free Linux operating systems from the official websites and some versions are also offering free CDs.
When we look at the installation procedures its windows more easy to install. Especially the installation of Windows 7 is very easy and its possible for anyone who doesn't have much knowledge about operating systems. The installation of Linux was a little bit complicated because of the procedures like mounting, creating swap partition etc. But nowadays most Linux versions are providing step by step easy installation procedures for the users.
If you are new to computers then its better to go for Windows because Windows provides a user-friendly interface which makes the user more comfortable to work with it. Linux user interface is not that bad it also has good graphical support and user interfaces but still is suitable for an advanced user or a person having some knowledge about computers. The installation and uninstallation procedures of software's are more easy on a windows system. The windows partitions are now automatically detected in the new versions of Linux operating systems but Windows still doesn't support Linux partitions like ext2, ext3.
We usually say Windows is a multiuser operating system and its true only in one sense because only one user can log into a Windows machine at a time. But that's not the case with a Linux machine, Linux has 7 terminals i.e, 7 users can log on to a Linux operating system and use it simultaneously (but we need 7 monitors and other accessories for that). These 7 terminals are very useful in Linux because when an error occurs in terminal 1 we can leave it there and continue our work from terminal 2. But in Windows systems, if explorer crashes we have to wait until it comes to correct stage.
Now from the security point of view, Linux is more secure. Windows is more vulnerable to attacks through a network (also very easy to break admin passwords if we have direct access to the machine) but attacking Linux is little more complicated and hard. So most of the servers are now shifted to Linux versions. Considering the availability of 3 party software's and plug-ins, both Linux and Windows have an abundant collection. But in my experience, it's easier to get a software or plug-in for Windows than Linux from the internet and other sources.
So Windows and Linux are having its advantages and disadvantages and it's up to you to select the best one.
Dear Mr.Syam,
Well, First of Congratulations for selecting a good topic with nice keywords and secondly for getting good cash credits for your article. It has been a long fought war between open source Operating Systems and Windows and till now Windows is able to sustain its position due to its global presence and to certain extent by its monopoly. I did learn a lot from your article and it shows how hard you have worked in collecting the details. Best of Luck and Keep it up!