End-to-End Video Security Solutions for Social Distancing in Organizations

Explore End-to-End Video security solutions for helping you enforce social distance norms in the office. Know what technologies can aid your in enforcing this and how they work.

Businesses all over the world have new challenges to face, ever since the pandemic hit. Among others, the most important of the conflicts is to get social distancing and masking maintained from the employees and customers both. Smart video security solutions have turned out to be a major asset in helping organizations to implement social distancing with reduced manual effort.

This blog gives you an insight into how businesses can command social distancing while serving their customers.

Imposing Social Distancing through Video Security Systems

Social distancing is the new world order after the Covid. Everyone has to adopt the new global norm of physical distancing, whether a business or an individual. Secure video conferencing solutions are helping our employers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Video tools can be used as the new social distancing tools. It uses artificial intelligence in real-time to track the gatherings of people, minimizing social interactions. Especially grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, healthcare services have now been using video security to address the contagion.

Use of AI and algorithms to monitor social distancing

In the areas where crowds are bound together e.g. supermarkets, ticket kiosks, transportation hubs etc. distancing becomes critical. Intelligent video security helps retail stores and other such businesses to measure the balancing needs with its advanced vision and algorithms that trigger notifications and alarms. Video security solutions have become an important tool for protecting your staff, keeping customers safe, safeguarding your assets, and operations. MirrorFly's powerful secure video conferencing platform can detect occupancy insights, measure social distance, and do contact tracing etc.

Here is listing 4 different ways in which video security supports enforcing social distancing. The following features can always be embedded in your current video security solution.

Real Time Location Tracking with Map Views

Because so many people and things are in motion, it is impossible to manually track every movement. However, location intelligence, if incorporated in your video systems, can create live maps for monitoring. This calls for decision-makers to identify opportunities for safety and efficiency. The system can give you a real-time picture of the people and vehicles inside your premises. MirrorFly video conferencing SDK can make your video management system (VMS) intelligent. The accurate maps and machine vision can precisely pick the presence of people and vehicles. In fact, equipment, products, and other things can also be tracked and highlighted.

This will help you monitor and stop congestion at a place. Security personnel can easily track people in a facility.

Set regulations and notification alerts on people and vehicle gatherings

Places like banks, playgrounds, soccer fields, pharmacies, retail and grocery stores etc. can implement social distancing by limiting the number of people on their premises. Security staff can fix counting rules to get alerts in real-time when there are bigger gatherings in a location. This can be set for spaces and hallways too, proactively for monitoring crowding in real-time.

These proactive alerts clearly make notifications when issues are found in the facility with your video application. The system can be used to identify and address the problems even before the users of your system announce them.

Better Team Coordination

Both security and operations teams are involved in the management of social distancing rules. Your encrypted video call solution needs to be quick and collaborative in order to provide concerned employees with visibility and alerts. For this purpose, webhooks can be connected to the company's communications tools like Slack.

With webhooks, the concerned staff member can be immediately alerted on Slack for any breaches. The critical video can also be sent on their desktop/mobile to minimize the action/response time. In fact, an instant action can be driven and the problem areas can be cleared. These features can be specifically important during this pandemic situation to every business.

Secure sharing of relevant videos for necessary action

Priority actions are very important for the safety measures to be strictly implemented. For priority actions, it is important to stay informed to keep workers, clients and their families safe. Constant monitoring, updates and strategies for mitigating the issues are essential for a good video monitoring system.

Implementation of, ability to share secure video links of relevant footage within and out of the organization saves time and ensures the appropriateness of passage of the information to the correct person. For example, when you can view a video of a crowded location from a control room, you can send it to the security team on the ground for the action. This ensures protection and safety of employees and customers.

Identifying the most secure Video Conferencing System for your organization
By having a secure business environment, you ensure user trust and device integrity. So, it is important to understand what is your video conferencing vendor offering to you? To understand this, you need to know the eight key security factors that should not be undermined when choosing your service partner for a positive influence on app's safety.
  1. End-to-end encryption (E2EE)
    E2EE works by scrambling the data so that no one can access the data without authorization. It safeguards data even among the parties in private video chat rooms. It takes into account the complete infrastructure that includes, security of conference rooms to cameras, microphones and other endpoints accessed by users.

  2. Data Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
    This is an additional level of security for video conferencing softwares that keeps message tampering, forgery and eavesdropping afield. It is now a standard practice to protect your applications from data breaches and attacks.

  3. Secure Real-Time Protocol (SRTP)
    SRTP is an enhanced security protocol that provides encryption, message authentication, confidentiality, and replay protection to your real-time streaming data (audio and video).

  4. Camera and microphone authorization to access
    Your camera and microphone devices should have restricted access so that you can secure private video chats. It gives you control over who or which softwares uses your camera or microphone.

  5. Web Socket Protocol
    Web sockets prevent many attacks from the start to man-in-the-middle attacks.
    It protects communication signaling channels. These channels in a video conference allow calling the end-users and letting them into the chat room.

  6. Meeting Security Guidelines And Controls
    For secure video communication, the person who started the meeting should be able to apply additional security controls. This security option is beyond the security infrastructure already set by the provider. This added layer, allows the host to enable or disable options while in a meeting to safeguard the meeting from disruptions.

  7. Secure video conference account information
    All the account information of the users must be protected through authentication or two-factor authentication for security

  8. HIPAA compliance
    HIPAA is a very strict compliance regulation set up for securing protected health information (PHI) of patients. A HIPAA-compliant conferencing confirms a strongly laid down secure video calling software infrastructure.


The Essence of this blog is to make you acquainted with standard security solutions if you are planning to set up video conferencing services. MirrorFly is a leading name in IT Digital Innovations. Partner with MirrorFly to set up a Cyber Security Ecosystem tailored to your business needs.

Enable technology based social distancing security protocols to your business environment with hassle free, feature-rich, web video conferencing and monitoring experiences from MirrorFly.


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