Everything That You Need To To Know About Kubernetes, Containers And Their Benefits
Kubernetes, a container orchestration tool developed by Google, not only automates container management but is also constantly enhancing the industry. In our blog, we will help the readers fully understand Kubernetes, its role, benefits, and much more. We shall also dive deep into the complexity of container environments and make it seamless for the reader to comprehend this innovative technology from Google.
Nowadays, container-based microservices architectures have remarkably altered the way operations and development companies test or deploy software. Companies leverage containers to modernize their process by making it more effortless for their team to scale and deploy applications. Even though containers seem to have helped companies, it has also introduced significant hurdles and more complex because it's an entirely novel infrastructure ecosystem. Both small, as well as large enterprises alike, are now deploying tens of thousands of container instances regularly, and that's a complex situation that companies face.
So what's the solution for it?Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a movable yet extensible, open-source platform that is mainly used in handling containerized workloads and services, that supports both configurations as well as automation. It has a huge, quickly developing ecosystem nowadays because of the wide availability of Kubernetes services, support, and tools.
Kubernetes was created and composed by engineers at Google. One of the initial contributors to Linux container technology was Google, and currently, they have deployed nearly everything at Google to seamlessly run in containers. (Kubernetes is also regarded as one of the most prominent technologies behind Google's cloud services models.) Currently, Google creates more than two billion container deployments per week, that are all powered by its internal platform, Borg. Borg can also be called as one of the earliest predecessors to Kubernetes, and the insights acquired from progressing Borg over the years enhanced to become the principal power behind much of Kubernetes technology.So, Why Kubernetes?
As several enterprises from all around the globe shifted to the microservice and cloud-native architectures that leverage containers, they're looking for reliable, proven platforms.
Kubernetes eases the burden of configuring, expanding, managing, and monitoring even the largest-scale containerized applications. It also consistently supports the IT teams to seamlessly manage container lifecycles and related application lifecycles, and other issues including high availability and load balancing.
Containers are a good way to bundle and control your applications. In a production ecosystem, enterprises need to manage the containers that run the applications and make sure none of the containers experience downtime. For example, if one container is not properly functioning, another container needs to start. It would be extremely difficult to manually analyze which container malfunctioned and also to redirect to a working container on time.
Therefore, wouldn't it be much easier if this process was entirely handled by a system?
That's how Kubernetes helps enterprises. It provides them with an innovative yet scalable framework to run distributed systems resiliently. Kubernetes seamlessly without manual assistance manages the complete scaling and failover for an enterprise application development service by providing deployment patterns, and more. For example, if your enterprise is looking to roll out several new code or features, Kubernetes can easily manage this canary deployment for your system.What You Need To Know About Cloud-Native Apps, Containers, and Kubernetes!
Cloud-native applications proceed to surge in demand as their agility for software developers & accessibility for users is becoming increasingly mainstream. Cloud-native apps typically consist of many microservices that are normally packaged in containers that are maintained and deployed by the orchestration software. There are several orchestrators in the market but Kubernetes dominates the rest due to its flexibility and coordination for continuous deployment.
However, demand and coordination come at an expense of more vulnerable security due to the multiple paths that are unintentionally open to malicious threats. Kubernetes, containers, and third-party applications cause significant security issues for DevOps and DevSecOps companies because they do not have security measures implemented into the CI/CD pipeline. They can suffer vulnerability in the initial stages of development due to their exposure and reliance on multiple 3rd party platforms and development tools. Also, any change to an application or microservice is very much expected to be propagated into the upcoming versions.
When a state of vulnerability or threat is identified in a running container, DevSecOps must be able to safely replace it with a non-compromised version along with integrating information into the CI/CD pipeline to defend future builds.Conclusion
By fully exposing the Kubernetes Control Plane API, developers have complete control over workload deployment, scaling, and monitoring. Container images can be pulled directly from public and private registries like Docker Hub and Quay.io, granting teams complete flexibility in designing and implementing continuous integration and deployment pipelines. With this exposed API, programmers can also profit from the valuable ecosystem of third-party Kubernetes tools, adapt to the right three cloud service models for enterprises as well as manage cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.