Looking At What Instagram Has Done To And For The Users

Read this article to learn how Instagram has evolved the past few years and how people are using it for marketing and to make money.

Different people have different ideas and opinions about Instagram. Few users feel that Instagram is the perfect platform for them to showcase their creative skills. Few businesses feel that this is the best launching pad for them to promote their brand or product. On the flipside, there are also a few who think that Instagram itself is broken and they are broke too.

Well, ideologies differ from one person to another and a lot depends on:

  • How you look at it and use the platform.
  • Your purpose
  • The final outcome and several other factors will influence your idea about Instagram.

  • However, Instagram has continually tried hard to make people love it which is why they come up with new features added to it from time to time.

    On any Instagram feed, though, the selfies with smiling face may involve two different times and conditions of life. However, these periods will not be shown by the pictures because the flattening experiences of the best years of life will look exactly the same as the bad ones. This means that most of the times everything will seem to be pretty good, for everyone.

    This is not how life works, obviously, for most of the people. Moreover, ever since Instagram came into existence and influenced the lives of people, experts have always debated on how looking at an endless scroll of pictures of happy moments of other people is affecting the brains of the Instagram users.

    Of late, these experts have been ventilating their ideas of how the models, influencers, and celebrities, for whom Instagram is supposed to work best, are realizing that:
  • They have been made complicit in this app
  • The apps feed its users with narcissism and envy
  • It prevents them from logging off from it and
  • It affects their health and general wellbeing.

  • What the experts try to do is reveal the scenario beyond the camera frame. They say that the lives of all these influencers and models are not perfect either and Instagram makes them feel equally bad just like it does to you.

    Ideally, the posts on Instagram depicts honesty and authenticity but their silent sufferings and struggles with mental health remains always there directly alongside the posts that are devoted to some happy moments. This contradiction, that is not revealed in the posts, make the entire thing feel fake.

    Change in perception

    Since its launch, no one thought Instagram was authentic. In fact, just two years after its launch in 2010, a meme was doing rounds on the internet that was titled "Instagram vs. reality." This was also the year when Facebook bought Instagram for a billion dollars which is one of the largest acquisitions at that time.

    In order to change the way in which people perceive,Instagram is now trying to redress for what it has done to the brains of the users and to warp their perception of reality. Over the past decade the company have taken some notable steps such as:
  • Implementing new measures to protect the users from the rigidand controversial parts such as body image and bullying issues
  • Trying to create a more authentic and reliable platform for their users to share photos and for businesses to promote their products to increase sales.

  • However, the fact is that, Instagram succeeded in becoming the best and most popular social media platform because it exploited the fundamental aspects of human behavior. This they have done to the extent where both "authenticity" and "honesty" did not mean anything at all. This has caused the users to believe that when they do anything real or vulnerable, they distrust it inherently.

    This means that, even if Instagram takes it off from the internet now, you will not get back the things that you have lost.

    Nevertheless, Instagram has surely made its place secure in the mobile space. Its number of followers have risen to more than a billion now from 30 million when it was acquired by Facebook. Experts forecast that over the next few years Instagram will implement several changes that most of the users hated about Facebook. These changes include:
  • Non-chronological feeds
  • Ever-changing algorithms
  • A seemingly-misguided push into video and
  • Even a few elements of its competitors.

  • One of the most significant of recent times made by Instagram is the inclusion of the Instagram Stories feature. This however, is a barefaced rip-off of the core feature of Snapchat, its competitor.
  • Using this feature, the users can now upload phots and videos to their profiles that will stay live for only 24 hours.
  • This feature is solely intended as a corrective measure of the overly curated aesthetic of Instagram, introduced in 2016.

  • This Instagram Stories feature makes the app much more authentic as users can use this to show the behind-the-scenes picture of the processing as well as the finished product. They can add a human touch to their posts. This will enable them to get more followers on Instagram.

    Opportunity for making money

    The good thing about Instagram is that it provides an immense opportunity to make money, especially for the businesses. Integrating Instagram marketing with social media marketing the businesses and marketers can make the most out of the two marketing strategies.

    This specific platform is committed to serve its audience. This will create a great user experience for your sales and business prospects. This means that money will be the byproduct.All you have to do to earn money on Instagram is to:
  • Build a large following either by yourself or using an influencer and
  • Then run proper ads so that you can promote and sell your product, or service.

  • This platform is ideally the best one to generate income because it has such an incredible diversity and a large number of audiences. Therefore, on Instagram, practically everyone has an equal opportunity to make money.

    All you have to do is motivate the people to click on the link in your profile bio to visit your site or to signup for your newsletter to create a larger customer base.

    Author Bio

    Kristen Smith has been working on the importance of social media in marketing with thousands of real Instagram followers for his postings.

    Article by Tony John
    Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tripod.com. Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including IndiaStudyChannel.com, Techulator.com, dotnetspider.com and many more.

    Follow Tony John or read 703 articles authored by Tony John


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