How IoT is Transforming Energy Industry?

The application of IoT in the energy industry has reduced the energy inefficiencies and equipment maintenance cost to a considerable extent. Energy IoT platform enables the acquisition of energy data in real-time for improvement in energy consumption, energy utilization and efficiency, eliminating the possibility of wastage.

As the world is heading towards better living standards and a smarter way of living, the consumption of electrical power is witnessing a huge rise in numbers. Apart from the added needs of the urban and suburban areas, the remote areas that were earlier without power or not needed it because of the lack of civilization, are also adding to these rising numbers. As far as the stats are concerned, people will be requiring around 40% more power within the next few years. This is a huge number that has led the companies to think of smarter and better ways to manage and conserve power usage everywhere. Amongst all the recent technologies, IoT is one such solution that seems promising in this regard.

Impact of IoT on Energy Sector

And, as we are talking about it, many power generating firms and companies that are related to power or energy production is employing the latest IoT energy monitoring and management system. In fact, the technology has also enabled the firms and companies to generate data about the power consumption and finding the faulty cells in a power grid spread across acres. The technicians are able to detect any single cell going towards faulty operation and send an alert to the manager beforehand so that any major incidents can be avoided. This way, the green power generation plants that are IoT compliant, and have Energy IoT platforms, such as solar panels that are a vast network of single units connected together can be effectively managed.

In the following post, we are going to discuss the various ways IoT is changing the way energy industries worked. We are also going to discuss the various advantages or benefits the IoT energy management solution offers.

IoT energy management solution – Applicable to one and all with scale considerations:

  • The IoT energy management solution performs the real-time power consumption audit. So, the manager can not only check the units that are consuming the most power but also find the possible conservation nodes in a network of power consumption devices.

  • Energy IoT Platform is a smart network of communication of 'things to things', 'person to things', and 'person to person. So, you can understand it as a network of human users; devices operated by them and appliances operated by them. This network communicates over a secure internet connection that allows the users to manage their systems and network from any point.

  • Now, the IoT-based energy management solutions offer easy integration with all kinds of systems without any concern of scale and types. Though it is easily said than done because a lot of things are involved in organizing a network of IoT-enabled devices. However, scaling and maintenance are extremely easy. Moreover, the person managing the entire network needs no special technical training or skills acquiring sessions.

  • Basically, communication in an IoT network is done via messages or 'ping'. Suppose a solar panel has stopped operating in a grid of 1 million panels and the manual finding is a daunting task. The Energy IoT Platform requires the manager to send a message or ping across the network of the cells. A few panels are combined to form a cluster and there can be any number of panels in a cluster. The main communicating unit in a cluster is generally called a hub. Now, when a hub receives a message from the manager, it will pass it on the panels under it and respond as per the messages received via them. This way, any broken link or faulty panel can be easily detected within a few minutes or seconds depending on the IoT energy management solution system configuration. This is a very elementary example of the way IoT works.

Now that we have formed an overall idea about the IoT energy management solution, let us find out how it is utility digital transformation services change the energy sector.

Energy IoT Platform – Ways it is transforming the energy sector:

  • Smart data retrieval, managing, analysis and storage

  • The real-time data collection enables the manager to form a better picture of the power consumption and power loss scenarios.

  • Warnings or Alerts regarding threshold limit overriding or operational issues

  • IoT-based systems are intelligent and self-diagnosing. So, in case a motor is crossing the threshold limits, or a grid is giving jittery outputs, the system will issue a warning or alert with a localized issue area and report. This way, power outages are controlled and accidents are minimized.

  • Smart utilization of resources

  • With the entire system being able to function as a consolidated entity with millions of units, manual intervention and operation are reduced. So, the chances of redundancy, idling technicians, and excessive operational costs are also reduced.

  • Increased robustness and reliability of the system

  • The entire system becomes robust and reliable as all the information regarding the system is readily available. So, all the mechanical, digital, and computing components are easily managed and administered.

  • No Security Threats

  • When the entire system is working over the internet, the security concerns become huge. However, IoT is inherently secure. So, the secure remote access management provided by Kalkitech allows the manager or admin a pathway. Hence, communication is confidential as well.

    Further, there are various layers of access and information management. This means that the manager can control the information that a person can view and use. This is also called data abstractions in technical terms. Hence, an IoT energy management solution is secure, smart, reliable, and robust.

  • Smart and easy Billings

With the entire system being digitized, the billing also becomes easier and smarter.

Though there are many amazing things waiting down the timeline of Energy IoT Platforms in the coming years, it is not wrong to say that the technology has actually revolutionized the way the power sector worked.

Nowadays, IoT-based solutions are readily available for system integration for all kinds of sectors. Kalkitech is one name that offers an impressive collection of packs and products for the energy sector. Using these packs, you can manage your devices, manage the metres and manage the solar power grids.

Read and know more about the Top Energy IoT Platforms in India


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