How to stop people from adding you to the WhatsApp Groups?
Read this article to know how to block people from adding you back to an annoying Whatsapp group. See how to block yourself from being added to a Whatsapp group and how to undo it.
What about the WhatsApp groups that people keep adding you to without even seeking your consent? While the functionality may be one of the best options you would want to enjoy, being part of some groups can be a pain in the neck, and make you part of the receiving end of those jokes, memes and yes, the dreaded Good Morning messages. What is a WhatsApp Group?
Well, a WhatsApp Group is a wise option that groups together all your likeminded friends and family members to one single collection and all the messages and data posted by each of the members would be visible to every member in the group. In essence, it is one of the best options to be in constant touch with your friends and family and be one extended family.
WhatsApp has made it easy for Facebook users and those who create a group to add you to groups so that they can keep in touch with their friends and acquaintances easily. In fact, anyone can add anyone to a random group on WhatsApp as long as they are an admin of the group and the person you are adding to the group is in your contact list. This can indeed be quite annoying as you may not be interested in some of the thoughts or the messages being shared on a particular group. Or should we say, you may not share the same views and feelings. In such situations, it becomes evident enough that you want to exit the group.
WhatsApp faced huge wrath from the users because of this annoying habit of WhatsApp users of adding members to a WhatsApp group without even seeking the opinion or consent from the person being added.
WhatsApp understands the issue and now has now come up with a means to fix this issue. The new Group Privacy Settings introduced by WhatsApp is designed to address the concern raised by a wide range of WhatsApp users. The new Group Privacy Settings let you dictate terms as to who can add you to a new or existing Whatsapp group. How to Enable Group Privacy Settings on your WhatsApp app?
WhatsApp has recently updated its Group Privacy Settings. The new updated settings are available both Android and iOS versions of the app. The steps here should help you configure the settings so that you will no longer be added to any random group without your consent.
Before you head on to check out the settings and configure them, make sure you are on the latest version of the app. If you are on Android, you should be on build number 2.19.308. In the case of an iPhone or other iOS devices, the minimum build number is 2.19.112. If you are on any version lower than that, you need to upgrade to the latest version.
Once you are on the latest version of the platform, you can proceed with the steps here below to stop someone from adding you to a random WhatsApp Group.
On your Android
The best option would be to use the last option and add up all your contacts to the list. You do not need to add the contacts one by one, but would be able to add all the numbers by choosing Select All option. This will make anyone who wants to add you to a group send you an invite link to the group when they want to add you to a group. Whether you want to join or not would be your personal choice.
If you choose the third option, you would need to specify which contacts you do NOT want to add you to the group. Choosing Everyone will enable anyone who has your contact to add you to any random group.
On your iPhone
If you are on an iPhone or other iOS devices, you can follow the steps here below to configure your privacy settings. Before we conclude..
Well, being part of a WhatsApp Group that you are not at all interested can be highly annoying. In essence, the unnecessary flooding of messages can be highly annoying, and you would indeed want to address the concern before it gets on your nerves. You can continue to be a part of only those groups that you have willingly joined.
In addition to helping you be part of only those groups that you genuinely want to be a part of, it can also double up as an exciting option to help you stay away from those people who use WhatsApp groups to spread misinformation and hatred. That way, you would be offering a positive service for the betterment of society.