How to Build Your Own Website Without Any Coding Experience

Starting your own website for the first time might look no smaller a task than building a castle for yourself. With no idea where to start and which programming language to learn, it can be quite daunting. However, in this article, we explain how you can build a website without any coding experience too in a much simpler way.

Designing a website is no more a specialist's job. Yes, it can even be designed without any coding skill. By using a website builder, now anyone can build a catchy website. No matter it's about an e-commerce website design or simply an official site, website builder can be relevant for all purposes.      

Many people have designed excellent websites through free website builders, all you need is to choose a platform like Those who don't want to code, but handle a website all by their own can find it a great tool. Excellent product selling based sites can also be designed through website maker software. 

Along with superior independence, the tool also provides excellent customization. Moreover, building a website using a website builder through platforms like website builder expert is unbelievably simple. A user has to follow the steps given below to have the site ready.

Creating a Website without Any Coding Experience 

As mentioned above, it is possible to build a website easily without any coding experience. All you need to do is - follow the steps given below:
  • Select the website builder software
  • Get signed up for the best plan for you
  • Select a domain name
  • Select the template
  • Personalize the template as per you wish
  • Have a preview of the final design 
  • Publish your website
Let's dive deep to understand these steps better and make it easy for you to design a website!

Step 1: Select the Website Builder
The website builder platforms have helped thousands of people in getting a beautiful site. Through platforms like website builder expert, one can design a website having zero knowledge or experience of coding. 

Step 2: Sign Up for the suitable plan
After selecting a website builder, one needs to select and sign-up for a plan. Platforms like website builder expert provide numerous plans to select from. It would be a smarter idea to select a plan by the website type. In comparison with the traditional methods, this can indeed be a much cost-effective way.

Step 3: Select a domain name
Domain name simply refers to the URL or the name through which a website can be identified. One may register for a domain name at the sites like Go Daddy. However, website builders provide the option to have it through them. It can be free of cost upon registering a domain name through them. It is advised to keep the domain names simple and short. It should be easy to remember.

Step 4: Select the right Template
After the above formal steps, here comes the real step for designing the website. As explained above, here, one doesn't need to worry about having any coding skill. Website builder's platforms like website builder expert provide all-out support in this regard. Huge range of templates can be found on these platforms. 

Templates primarily are meant to provide a suitable framework, where one can simply put things the way he would love. It is all about select, drag, and drop the items at a suitable location. It is as easy as changing profile pictures or cover pictures on social media. There remains a range of color schemes available along with the header, footer, and themes for all other sections.

Step 5: Customization of Template
The purpose of customization is basically to bring the uniqueness in it. Customization is done after selecting the templates as explained above. Starting from color combination to images, everything can be chosen in a personalized fashion. In short, the template is like a layout with an outline of the image you want to draw. 

Through customization, one can put any color, image, etc. One can also add contents in it as it is required. Ultimately, the user gets the complete flexibility on all aspects. Irrespective of the kind of website someone designs, this scope of customization is given to all.

Step 6: Preview the design and check all sections
One may get too excited to publish a website after designing it or customizing the same. However, as it is going to be public, it is essential to do a cross-check. Instead of making the site to go live instantly, it is thus advised to have a preview. Good news is that the website builder comes with the option of previewing. It is vital to understand the preview changes of the websites before getting published. 

To ensure things are doing well, it is essential to check all aspects; starting from contents to design.  Every line of the contents written should be checked, ensuring there is no spelling or grammar error. Each of the section of the template should be checked; make sure that the buttons are working well. Similar is the case about color combination as well; specifically, the shades of the color should look perfect.

Platforms like website builder expert provide incredibility easy to view preview modes and tools. Along with color, text, functionality, and buttons, one can also check the dimensions through it. This means one can check whether the site appears perfectly with devices of all sizes. 

Step 7: Publish your website!
Once previewed and everything is found flawless, all it takes is to hit the 'Publish' button. However, one needs to be very sure about each aspect before going to publish the website. So, this is how website builders make website designing look at the easiest tasks. 

Final Words

So, choose a website builder software and start building your own website without any coding experience. You can start with a free plan or get the premium one for better customization. It's true that a website builder software doesn't require you to have any coding experience but having some basic knowledge of HTML would be helpful. But don't worry, no coding knowledge will not lead to any drawback. 

Have a dream to have your own blog or want to expand your business with a website? You don't need to search for any web developer or designer. Yes, just select a website builder software and build your own website, all by yourself, without any coding experience!


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