Top free FPS multiplayer games for Windows 10

Read this article to know which are the best multiplayer online FPS games that you can enjoy from your Windows 10 computer. Know the best of the best FPS games that you can enjoy without spending a single penny on.

The number of free-to-play games is increasing now more than ever before. Developers are slowly realizing the potential of these FPS games as they can reach a much larger audience because of their free availability. But this causes confusion among gamers since there are a plethora of free games available and making a decision is hard. That is where we come in; we have curated here a list of the top Free-to-play FPS games for Windows 10 to play on your PC right now.

Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a fast-paced Battle Royale game that is played from a first-person perspective and offers many improvements to the Battle Royale formula as a whole. Now with that said, Apex Legend isn't original and honestly, it never strived to be one. The objective of this title was never to create a completely different type of Battle Royale game, it was simply to innovate where innovation was needed and therefore create a battle royale game that nearly anyone could pick up and enjoy.

In my opinion, Apex Legends is the game to play if you have never played a Battle Royale game before. It is easy to learn, fun to play and perfect if you have got friends to squad up with. Apex legends feature 8 different characters known as legends who have completely different play styles and unique abilities. The gameplay is fast and frantic, but with small magazine sizes and a high time to kill. Given the importance of abilities and the squad-only format, we might think that voice chat is a requirement, however, that isn't so because Apex legends feature a revolutionary ping system. This ping system can literally point out where the enemies are while playing. If you haven't played this free Windows 10 FPS game yet, make sure to check it out when you can.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(CS: GO) is one of the most popular free Windows 10 FPS games of our generation and is by far the most popular free-to-play game on steam. But what you might not know about this game is that this iconic game has recently gone free to play. Along with the addition of battle royale mode, Valve has made CS: GO free for all users. However, a new free-to-play user is a non-prime user, so a non-prime user won't be playing with verified users, and thus you may find more hackers. But if you want the prime status, you can either go and buy the prime status or you have to reach game level 21. Prime or non-prime this is a game that everyone must check out. Learn more at

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is a 3D cartoonish First-person Shooter (FPS) multiplayer game for Windows 10 developed by Valve Corporation. TF2 was a paid game when it was released but soon they changed it into a free game with in-app purchases of the various aesthetic items available in the game. Valve Corporation is known for its games like Half-life, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead and Portal. Team Fortress 2 is similar to the other FPS games out there: You can choose a number of maps and gameplay modes. They also have some exclusive modes like Payload.

TF2 is a hilarious and action-packed game. Be it the small funny dialogues that the characters say during a battle or the 9 different classes with a unique personality and their own powers like Offense, Defence, Support, etc, Team Fortress 2 is a game that is definitely worth checking out.

Black Squad

Developed by NS Studio, and now available on Steam, Black Squad is a military-themed FPS shooter with a number of game modes and maps. There are a number of ways to experience Black squad, of particular significance is the inclusion of clan battles in a ranked mode. When you first create an account in this game, you are given a really good amount of in-game currency which you can use to buy any gear or weapon you like. The game is solid, fun, and perfect for casual and hardcore players.

PlanetSide 2

Developed by Sony Online Entertainment, and built on Forgelight engine, PlanetSide 2 is a multiplayer Windows 10 FPS game played in a massively open world with 3 different factions in a never-ending battle. There are different vehicles and aircraft available for various battles on land or in the sky. Despite being an older title, the graphics are stunning, and by far one of the best available right now.

Quake Champions

If competitive and hardcore is what you are looking for, then you can't go past Quake Champions, the latest addition to the Quake franchise. Known for its breakneck speed and brutal gameplay, Quake Champion iterates on the classic formula for the addition of champions. Different characters with a special ability and there is one ability per champion with a long cooldown ensuring that the gameplay is focused on what makes Quake Champions, a Quake game.


These were some of the best free-to-play FPS games available right now for PC users. Make sure you check out these games and comment down below the games that you liked and don't forget to comment about the games that should have been on this list.


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