Some Common Mistakes When Trying to Do Digital Marketing
Read this article to know which common mistakes to avoid while trying to do Digital Marketing for your business.
Even though it seems easy to start a digital brand presence, you have to do it strategically. Being on the internet is about the position of the company itself and interacting with its audience. Many retailers have realized many opportunities to generate business offered by the online environment and decided to adopt Digital Marketing without the help of professionals in their fields. This initiative can cause fatal errors for your store!
In this post, we chose the main misunderstanding carried out by businesses who chose to implement strategies in the digital world without proper guidance. Look at that!
Passive planning is a very common mistake in Digital Marketing.
Planning is the starting point for successful marketing actions and often these activities are ignored by businesses. Planning serves as a guide to guide professionals before, during and after the implementation of strategies, even when measuring results.
Before putting your head in the crowd, determine the store's goals and objectives with Digital Marketing: what is your intention with this digital presence? What do you want to communicate and for whom? Also, research competitors to find out their differences and clearly describe your profile. Every market is different. The market for Rolex is certainly different from the market for cheap watches even though they are both watches.
At this stage, it is also important to put in place the strategies needed to achieve the goals in the timeline. Ready to start?
Producing SPAM is very bad for brand image
Email is still one of the most powerful channels to connect with your audience, but it needs to be used consciously by the brand. Sending invalid emails characterizes your message as SPAM. Even before the recipient sees your e-mail, your message can be blacklisted. Namely, if the email does not comply with the rules and guidelines for sending email marketing, they are automatically directed to the spam box from the email provider. That way, shop owners waste time and money on email marketing campaigns.
Create a Facebook page without strategy
Another common mistake is to create a Facebook page without a strategy. Before starting a brand presence on social networks, it is important to have content programming to attract and retain customers. Publishing only to fill pages can damage the image of your store and drive your target audience. However, consumers are looking for relevant content and this is not an ideal way to reach them. The alternative is to work with clothing brands that offer their own content to post on their social networks.
In addition, periodicity is another very important aspect of social networking. There is no point in placing stores in the first week of every day and the following week one day. Escape from these bad habits and make monthly pattern controls. Remember that publication frequency is not a number that is certain and varies based on the page and audience. The trick is to try a different timeline and always follow your audience's response.
Do not create points of contact with your client
We know that a customer-seller relationship is an excellent tool for customer loyalty, especially in the fashion segment. However, many shopkeepers fail to create points of contact with their audience and move away from it more and more. Contact points are the opportunities a brand has to express its identity. Example: packaging, logo, design, site, employees .. etc. Having a well-developed website, being in the main social networks, means offering more options that facilitate the contact between the client and the brand. So invest in building these channels to get closer to your audience and generate sales.