3 Steps to Building a Cloud-Ready Application Architecture

Read this article to know how to develop a cloud-based mobile application and what all factors to keep in mind while making such an app.

There's no doubt that technology has progressed by leaps and bounds in the past decade alone. One of the major impacts of this progression is the change in employee workload. By 2020, many experts have predicted that around 80 percent of all work in enterprises will be cloud-based. Companies are now making use of cloud technology to back up data and serve customers.

Even if you're an app developer, you might want to work on an option that's cloud-based as well. However, it's easy to make mistakes when working on cloud infrastructure. To avoid these mistakes, you should have adequate knowledge about building cloud-ready application architecture. Interestingly, getting started is as easy as focusing on the following three steps:

Step 1: Have a Collection

Traditionally, cloud apps were mainly designed to be a series of cloud services or APIs. If you work on building up data from several services within the app, you can provide several composite apps and services to your clients or employees. This will make communication, data backup, and all the other uses of cloud technology easier. It's thus crucial to implement an architecture based on services inside any app you develop.

Certain developers might experience a tough time getting away from the mindset of centering their programs around interfaces. However, you need to change up the game and offer independent services as well. There are several benefits to gain here, the largest being that you can easily distribute loosely coupled applications as well.

If you conduct your research, you'll find that several highly successful developers know about breaking up their applications and providing services in this manner. This gives us hundred of options instead of just one composite service. This will also add value to the user experience which is a good way to gauge where your cloud architecture is headed.

Step 2: Prioritize App Security

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Credits: https://pixabay.com/en/ipad-online-tablet-internet-screen-407799/

Since you'll be working with cloud technology, your app will certainly be vulnerable to hackers and spammers if you neglect certain steps. A little laxity could be a highly expensive mistake, so don't think of security as something to consider at the last minute. There are countless programs and applications that suffer from hacking every single year. This sort of infiltration could cost you a pretty penny and lower your reputation.

The first step in this area is to ensure that all the collected data in your cloud-based app is encrypted as much as possible. This is a given, as unencrypted data is vulnerable especially when flowing between systems. The data inside the app is your responsibility, so you'll want to get serious about app monitoring. If you're able to track changes in real time, you stand a good chance of limiting downtime. A good resource to consider for that feature is log aggregator like Papertrail.com which will monitor your logs automatically.

The business technology sector is always changing, with new data security options coming in every week or month. Unfortunately, the business of hacking and releasing malicious software is also just as versatile and innovative, which means every developer should be on their toes. Therefore, you need to build up and deploy cloud-based apps that are reliable and trustworthy. The focus should be on a decent infrastructure right in the beginning.

Step 3: Think About Communication

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Credits: https://pixabay.com/en/coding-web-programming-computer-3013601/

One crucial factor in the development of cloud-based apps is communication. If an application is to work smoothly and without bugs, its components have to be in proper communication and alignment with each other. The various components in application software will determine how it works, so you need to minimize the number of chatty aspects as well.

With this reduction, you'll be able to develop an app in which all components of the program are used for carrying out communication in a combined way, i.e. in a single platform instead of using separate platforms. Besides speeding up cloud-based work processes, this will enhance the user experience in more ways than one, hence making the app a more popular choice because of the enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of the application architecture. Controlling the components and how they communicate will also reduce the data one needs just to log in.

Cloud-Ready Application Architecture As The Next Big Thing

If and when you succeed in making your apps cloud-friendly, it will become much more functional and useful to customers. This could increase your standing in the tech industry and also proper your personal brand to new heights. So get cracking at that next app and get with the times to make your name synonymous with success!


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