Why Businesses Should Change Their Printing Practices

Office handle numerous printing jobs on a frequent basis, but not everyone is aware that ink cartridges and toners contain toxic ingredients. If not handled properly, such substances may harm one's health or the environment. Find out how businesses can change their printing practices for the better.

Looking out for the environment in support of the green movement has been a trend for a while now. Business owners, especially manufacturers and tech companies, can benefit greatly from this trend. Injecting a green-centric approach into the workplace fosters is a testament to businesses role in shaping society for the better.

green technology ink cartridges

Businesses contribute to social change by undertaking global advocacies like the green movement and adjusting their policies accordingly. Printer companies and printing presses have been encouraged to take part in this movement, being some of the world's biggest sources of carbon footprint.

Millions of non-biodegradable printer cartridges are disposed on landfills each year, which only add to the growing problem of waste disposal. It takes a thousand or so years for cartridge containers to decompose. Despite recommendations, stakeholders in the printer and printing press industries have yet to implement a consistent and effective recycling program where toners and ink cartridges are concerned.

Are Toners or Ink Cartridges Toxic?

In addition to disposal problems, printer toners and inks contain toxic substances. Offices frequently perform various print jobs. The never-ending use of paper and ink makes you wonder if there's really nothing to be worried about.

While toxicity levels are not as grave as other products (e.g. aerosol, fridge or AC freon), printer cartridges do contain carbon and chemical substances that can harm one's health if inhaled or accidentally ingested. Manufacturers sometimes add or subtract ingredients into the typical toner or ink formula for a more "customised" feel. So toxicity levels may differ from one cartridge to another. Some brands may have relatively safer and more environment-friendly cartridge ink or toner ingredients while others still have a long way to go.

The manual or packaging may warn you of toxicity levels (e.g. "Keep out of the reach of children) or any special handling (e.g. toner cartridge replacement). With a bit of research or if you go through the ingredients list, you will have a clear idea of just how toxic a printer cartridge could be.

How to Reduce or Minimise Effects of Toxicity?

Below are simple but often neglected tips for preventing toxic chemicals from directly or indirectly harming your surroundings:
  1. When replacing your toner or ink cartridge, make sure there are no mugs, plates or open food containers nearby. This is to prevent accidental ingestions with unexpected health ramifications due to particle dispersion.
  2. To better understand just how toxic a toner or ink ingredient can be, browse through your manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheets online.
  3. Once melted, toners may release volatile organic chemical (VOC) substances. Laser printers emit them at low levels but this may not be the case for large-scale commercial print jobs. Buy toners or inks that do not contain toxic metals from manufacturers or brands that use alternative ingredients.
  4. Prioritise manufacturers or brands that use edible inks, comprised of organic and non-toxic ingredients similar to food colouring.
  5. Store your ink and toner cartridges at secure locations with a balanced room temperature and proper ventilation. If your cartridge accommodates ink refills, make it a point to wear gloves when refilling.
  6. Some manufacturers have working cartridge recycling programs. Join these programs or find an organisation that allows you to donate empty cartridges for recycling.

Green Technology

Going green can be good for your business. It reduces waste, cost of operations improves employee health and a lot more.

Being an environment-friendly company means you take responsibility for the health of your workforce, your customers and space where you conduct your business. Companies have more to gain and less to lose by adjusting their processes and printing practices.

It doesn't cost much to be responsible.

Article by Bethany Brookes
Bethany is a tech geek, blogger and otaku fangirl. She loves all things digital and enjoys the strategies that go into building a brand. She is currently with an Australia-based https://www.cartridgesale.com.au - ink cartridges supplier.

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