How to add ads.txt details for your Blogspot blog

Blogspot team has added the ads.txt functionality to Blogspot. Read this article to know how to create and add an ads.txt file to your Blogspot/Blogger blog.

Since the announcement of ads.txt, there has been an impatience among bloggers using the Blogspot platform for their blogging needs. Though on one hand Google has been saying that it is not necessary to add ads.txt to your website though it is good to do so, on the other hand, it is showing a highlighted red warning in AdSense accounts if you ads.txt is not enabled telling that Google will not show ads on such websites and has already done so. This has been a really frustrating experience for all such bloggers. However, finally, from the month of February, Blogspot is not enabled with a default ads.txt that can be accessed at This is obviously for those people who have enabled advertising for their blog from their Blogspot dashboard and due to that, it will only show the AdSense publisher entry which you have added in the dashboard. If you are using other Advertising companies like Infolinks, Bidvertiser, etc. then you need to edit this file to add the other entries. There has to be only one ads.txt file for one website and all advertisers should be listed in this file. To do so follow the below points.
Ads txt blogger screenshot

Steps to edit ads.txt file on Blogspot

  1. Login to your Blogspot dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings menu and the Search preferences
  3. Under Monetization section at the bottom, you will find an option " Custom ads.txt".
  4. The status would be disabled by default if you have not edited it even before.
  5. Click on the Edit button. You will be asked if you want to Enable custom ads.txt content?. Select Yes
  6. In the box that opens up enter the details of advertisers you are using. Details to be entered are explained below.

What information to enter in the ads.txt file

Ideally, each advertising company would help you out with these details if you log in to your publisher dashboard. I highly recommend you to check those out and copy paste the entries from there since any mistake can lead to you losing out from advertising revenue. The only thing you would need to replace if you copy paste is the publisher ID which would be clearly highlighted there. For general information though, there are 3 compulsory and 1 option fields you have to fill for each advertiser in the format:
<Field #1>, <Field #2>, <Field #3>, <Field #4>
Field #1: This will be the domain name of the advertising company. For Google it is and for Infolinks it is

Field #2: This is the publisher account ID or the relationship ID depending on what team the advertising company uses.

Field #3: This field specifies if the publisher and the advertising system have a DIRECT contact or the publisher has authorized someone to control the advertising space in which case it will be a RESELLER. So, this field will be either DIRECT or RESELLER.

Field #4: This field is optional and will contain a unique ID that identifies that the advertising system is certified with a certain certification authority.

For Google AdSense, the entry will be:, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Note: The second field "pub-0000000000000000" must be replaced by your own AdSense publisher ID

Once you are done just click on Save Changes and that's it. To verify that the changes have been applied you can check the ads.txt file using the link [yourdomainname]/ads.txt. For example, Hubpages have their ads.txt visible through

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