Is it safe to access multiple AdSense accounts from same IP address?

Many people are concerned whether it is safe to access multiple AdSense accounts from same address. I am trying to answer this question and also throw some light on whether two people can apply for AdSense accounts from same IP.

Google has a very strict policy that one person cannot have more than one AdSense account. In countries like India, Google usually doesn't even allow multiple AdSense accounts from the same mailing address (there are exceptions). As per AdSense program policies, 2 members from the same family/same address can have separate accounts. However, as per the traditions in India, members of a family are strongly bonded and Google doesn't see any reason for 2 members of the same family to have different AdSense accounts!

I recently wrote few articles related to common AdSense queries:

1. How many articles are required before you can apply for AdSense on a blog.

2. How much traffic is required on a blog to use AdSense.

Today, let's try to find answers for another common question: Can we access 2 different AdSense accounts from the same IP address?

AdSense Accounts Per IP Address

Login to multiple AdSense accounts from same IP address

I have been answering this question quite often in social media groups and personal messengers. The confusion here is, there is no hard and fast rule from Google regarding this. No where in the AdSense program policies Google talks about any limits on how many AdSense accounts can be used from the same IP address.

Here is my take on this:

Google doesn't have any limitations as such on how many AdSense accounts can be registered or accessed from same IP address. As long as it is not the same person applying for multiple AdSense accounts, any number of people can use AdSense from the same IP address.

I personally operate multiple AdSense accounts - my personal account as well as a few business accounts for different business entities I own/manage. I have been using some of these accounts for more than 10 years and Google never troubled me for the same.

In addition, I often login to several AdSense accounts of other people when they ask me to troubleshoot their issues. I never hesitated to take their login credentials and check their account from my IP address.

Also, sometimes I help friends and coworkers to register for new AdSense account from my office. They never had any issues in getting approval, provided they have a genuine blog.

Read tips to get AdSense approval.

Dynamic IPs and Network IPs

Here is a scenario. Most big companies have the same outgoing IP address for all the computers in their network. This means, hundreds of people from big companies may be using same IP address to login to their Google AdSense accounts. Google has no ways to verify if they are all coming from such a company network or a personal home IP address.

In countries like India, majority of the people use dynamic IPs. This means, every time you connect to internet, you will get an IP address that was used by someone else in the past.

For all the reasons explained above, accessing multiple AdSense accounts from same IP address will not be a risk for genuine publishers.

When it becomes a risk?

Let's look into another scenario. You want to cheat Google and want to create a few AdSense accounts. You may be successful initially and may get your AdSense applications approved. However, when you start using it, Google may look into the IP address as a factor to determine if you are using multiple accounts for yourself. If Google detects that multiple AdSense accounts are accessed from same IP address with other common factors like same mailing address and payee name, it will be easier for them to determine such fake accounts.

Bottom line: There is no risk in using multiple AdSense accounts from same IP, as long as they are in compliance with Google AdSense program policies.

Read how to keep your AdSense account safe and in good standing

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including,, and many more.

Follow Tony John or read 703 articles authored by Tony John

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Guest Author: Anjan08 Apr 2015

I have 2 adsense account with different Name/address. can I login both account and implement adsense code with same IP address?

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